23 Aug ALACAZEM 2014.08.21
August 21 to 28, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Jupiter Evening: Mars, Saturn
Welcome to the solar month of mutable, earth-sign Virgo, the 6th sign of the tropical zodiac, one of the most poignant, productive, point-on energies of the year. Virgo takes place as summer morphs into fall, when cooling evenings and crisp mountain mornings invoke feelings of seasonal change. Autumn is in the air.
Verdant greens slowly surrender to shades of blonde; streaks of rust and auburn line roadways and river corridors as bright yellow sunflowers dance against the backdrop of our cerulean blue Colorado skies. Virgo is the official season of harvest, when our instincts tell us to prepare for winter; get busy and do what we need to do while the days are still warm and long. And with that comes a mix of joy and sorrow, gratitude and grace. We want to grasp the moment, seize the day and immerse ourselves in the pure beauty and bounty of nature as our Mother Earth changes her garments, discarding her emeralds and limes, avocado, jades and olives for brilliant golds, peaches, orange, ginger and purple. Every now and then we see the sparkling rubies of her gold and crimson crown, the reds of summer’s end, the last dramatic jewels of harvest.
And, of course, by nature, the pure and pristine symbol of the Virgo zodiac month is the one and only virgin, the keeper of the flame, the goddess of purity, potential and promised passion. The Virgo virgin is often depicted with a shaft of wheat and a cornucopia overflowing with the fruits and vegetables of harvest. A feminine mystical icon of holistic healing and herbal medicine, the Virgo virgin symbolizes the interconnectedness of body, mind and spirit. It is our inner and outer health and wellness; our mental, physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological well-being – the metaphysical magic of transformation as a conscious process of daily practice. As the opposite polarity of watery, oceanic, soulful Pisces – the ultimate sign of Oneness – earthy Virgo is grounded and connected to the physical plane, a sister to the Mother Earth, a facilitator, helper and healer of suffering and sickness. She is willing to serve and sacrifice, an authentic curandera who accepts her role and responsibility as a virtual, virtuous Mother to all.
May we find and follow our inner curandera as the landscape transforms; self-nurture, self-improve, and heal ourselves and others with good thoughts, good words and deeds, good work and – of course! – good food! Happy season of Harvest. Y vaya con la diosa.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) As the Sun moves into virtuous Virgo, you may feel the strong pull of self-improvement tugging at your heart and soul. Health is wealth and it’s time to embrace the power of love – for body, mind and spirit. Reality is perception and life is action. Recognize the supreme connection of doing the next right thing and living a magnificently rewarding, happy, healthy life. Virgo New Moon is the time to start.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Harvest season coincides with the Virgo zodiac month, your solar 5th house of love and creative self-expression. It’s a time to feel and follow your heart, celebrate the beauty and bounty of life, have fun and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Children, grandchildren and the spirit of youth encourage you to laugh and play. Rekindle the flame of innocence. Explore new territory, ask questions, mile and be happy. You are here.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Virgo New Moon energy turns attention to the dance of matter and spirit, the interplay of head and heart. It also aks us to look within and outside of self, determine what needs bolstering or improvement, and then go about doing the work to make it better. What is the best use of your time, energy and talent at this point in your life? Focus on efficient, effective efforts and actions. One day at a time.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) Another New Moon graces the heavens and shimmers in beauty above the western horizon in twilight. As always, Moonchildren are more sensitive than most to the phases and signs of their ruling celestial light. Lucky you! Time to start anew when it comes to the way you see and define the world and all life upon it. Then comes your relationship to it. Pay attention to perceptions and be impeccable with your word.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) The Virgo lunar month awards great gifts to those who accept life on life’s terms and take responsibility for their actions, words and deeds. Self-examination and self-review are also favored, why not take a personal inventory of what you have said and done at the end of every day? Right action and good works are a recipe for a healthy, happy, full-of-grace life. You can do it if you want to. Step by step, day by day.
Virgo(Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Your happy birthday month begins with a mystically charged, metaphysically rich new Moon in your sign, a heavenly portent to the year to come. The recipe for success includes a strong sense of spirit, the willingness to cultivate faith in the divine magic and miracles of life, as well as the practice of daily self-love, courage, compassion and forgiveness. Healing takes place within the heart, guided by angels.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) This week’s Virgo New Moon illuminates many paths to wellness and provides you with all the mystical maps and messages you need to navigate the trail. Take the time and energy you need to find a quiet, peaceful place in nature or personal sanctuary where you feel the presence of spirit. Ask for guidance and assistance and pay attention to what comes. Practice daily acts of loving kindness and stay on the path.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) Wise Saturn’s tight conjunction with headstrong Mars in Scorpio, square romantic Venus in passionate Leo [in tight trine to rebellious Uranus in me-first Aries] as the Sun and Moon come together in health-conscious Virgo paves the way for a lunar month of heartfelt healing and ultimate physical, emotional and spiritual liberation. Holistic happiness comes as you break free from limiting perceptions and beliefs. Yes!
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Numinous Neptune and mystic Chiron in Pisces oppose the New Moon and Mercury in Virgo this week, emphasizing those areas of life and living where we need to incorporate a more holistic view and daily practice. Our deepest wounds can become our greatest teachers, gifts and pathways to wholeness. Pain – physical, emotional, spiritual – is a message that we need to heed. And, remember, love is the ultimate healer.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) The power of love and the importance of healing are powerful themes of transformation and liberation as the Sun and Moon come together in Virgo this week. Mystical, metaphysical energies dance and dive with both visible and invisible force in the 3D material, physical world. Reality is a condition based on perception and definition, and individual belief, like God. Consider the power of health. And love.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) As the Virgo New Moon opposes the fixed star Formlhaut – one of the four royal stars and heavenly sentinels of ancient Persia and Egypt – on its precessional path into Aquarius, you may feel a powerful, spiritual awakening. This is a rather transcendental experience, an open door to other worlds and dimensions, a place where material realities dissolve in the truth of spirit. Have fun, enjoy the ride.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Virgo is the sign most concerned with integration and wholeness, the connection of health to wealth and the process by which we can achieve true happiness. Daily practice, work and service are essential to a happy, healthy life. Satisfaction comes via accomplishment, right action, love and laughter. And it’s all about relationships – to ourselves, to others, to the world. Body, mind and spirit. Integrate, practice and play.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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