28 Aug ALACAZEM 2014.08.28
August 28 to September 4, 2014 Visible planets: Morning: Venus, Jupiter Evening: Mercury, Mars, Saturn
Last Tuesday I drove to Telluride with 10 pounds of ripe organic heirloom tomatoes for Marta, the stunning Icelandic diva who runs the Telluride Bistro – my favorite Italian restaurant in that cool, swanky, magnificently beautiful town – manifesting my desire to become a participating, contributing member of the locally grown, farm-to-table movement going on in little towns and big cities all across America today. Sweet!
It’s film festival week in Telluride and the streets were busy; parking at a premium, people wearing festival passes – obviously with things to do and places to go – and police bearing badges, with marking sticks and ticket pads, keeping the peace and maintaining order. [No parking in the middle of the street without a permit, even if you are unloading tomatoes for a restaurant and there’s no place close to park. The good news – the officer let me finish and didn’t give me a ticket, since I only had three boxes to deliver and just one left to go. Thank you sir!]
On my way up, I noticed several yellow-orange school buses. Yellowing aspen dotted the mountainsides and bright yellow sunflowers danced along the highways. Everywhere I saw yellows and golds tinted with orange, awash against a canvas of green. The first colors of autumn. And, the yellow school bus back on the road, the sign of summer’s end. Wow!
Earlier that morning I opened a text from my niece Devan with a photo of her 5-year-old son Grant holding a sign “My First Day of Kindergarten.” He didn’t exactly look happy, but he was trying. Milestones and memories, the stuff late August and early September are made of. The same scholastic stuff that Virgo is made of – schoolbooks, schoolrooms, students and teachers, new school clothes, fresh-scrubbed faces, schools supplies and football practice. Brand new notebooks filled with clean white paper, subject dividers and three-holed, zippered plastic bags for pens, pencils and erasers. New backpacks and tennis shoes, socks and underwear. “Am I good enough?”
The first day of school. Nervous tension, veiled excitement and questions of the unknown. A brand new school year stretched out before us. Lots of hope and plenty of anticipation. It’s a time we come back to ourselves, look within and take inventory – inside and out. We evaluate who we are and what we want. What we can do. We hope for the best. We want to be good and do good. Have a good year. Be recognized for our gifts and talents. Do the best we can.
Good luck, good hope, good feelings and good doings. And our best to the TFF and all the people, places and things that come and go with it. Including Marta and my organic heirloom tomatoes. Viva la vida fresca y buena!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) The Virgo zodiac month favors all aspects and efforts of self-improvement, so why not do whatever you can to be happy, healthy and well? And with ruler Mars and self-disciplined Saturn in high-focus Scorpio, it’s the perfect time to make “hay.” Mental Mercury’s entrance into peace-loving, partner-oriented Libra encourages pairing and sharing. Practice health and wellness in your relationships, one at a time.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) The waxing Harvest Moon shimmers rays of love and romance into your heart and soul. Childhood innocence, fun and frolic appeal to those willing to feel and find the joy within and all around them. Open body, mind and spirit to the beauty and bounty of nature. Create and express, laugh and live each and every moment of your precious life. Great pleasure is found close to home. Hug and kiss, count your blessings.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) As multi-faceted, messenger Mercury moves into peace-and-love Libra – your solar 5th house of fun and romance – you may find yourself thinking about the people, places and pastimes that fuel your heart and spark your soul. Embrace the magic of the creative force, the fire of desire and the mystic power of inspiration. Calm your mind, still internal dialogs and awaken to the natural grandeur of the Universe.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) As the waxing Moon marches toward fruition, awaken to the mystical, magical transformation of the world outside your door. Mother Nature is changing her clothing, donning the colors of autumn. Discarding summer greens for shades of gold, peach and crimson, she invites you to shape-shift the inner terrain of heart and soul. Follow her lead, invoke the goddess and feel the metamorphic power of spiritual change.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) With voluptuous Venus moving through the last degrees of Leo, you can see and feel the awesome nurturing power of Mother Nature’s love and beauty all around you. And with generous giant Jupiter also in Leo, the abundant bounty of your personal world and resources is stunning and phenomenal. Recognize the unlimited potential of the Universe and cultivate the grace of gratitude. Good works, good words, good life.
Virgo(Aug. 22-Sep. 22) Happy birthdays continue as candles are lit and cakes are cut. Rejoice in life as you celebrate another revolution around the Sun. After all, this is your time to shimmer and shine, cultivate goodness and embrace the beauty and bounty of nature. Happiness is an inside job and you have everything you need to be happy. Birthdays herald rebirth, treat yourself with gentle, loving-kindness. Every moment of every day.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Labor Day weekend is an unofficial end to summer. Schools are in session and the languid, lazy, luscious days of sizzling heat and warm-hot starry nights shape-shift into autumn. And in the name of seasonal change, you surrender to the magic of the Virgo sun-time and go within. This is a magically transformational time of year for you, a time to embrace the power of soul and spirit. Follow the goddess, feel the power.
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) As the world has recently observed and recognized your natural beauty and inherent creative abilities, you may be feeling rather lucky and blessed. You feel rather capable and confident these days, willing to show and share your gifts with others. Good news, with jovial, good-luck planet Jupiter in for a yearlong stay, the stars are aligned for success. The trick is seeing the magic and embracing it.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) As mutable Virgo morphs summer into autumn, the Archer looks within. Cooling days and colder nights favor the inner work of soul and spirit, attention to physical wellness and overall efforts and activities of self-improvement and self-betterment. Great gains come to those willing to do the work, and it works if you work it. Whatever you do, wherever you do, cultivate a daily practice. Body, mind and spirit. All is One.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) Higher ground and higher-self awareness, actions and activities put you on a path of health, wealth and wellness. Soar like an eagle and view your life from a higher perspective. What type of energy are you giving and receiving? Where is your focus and attention? The world is a fascinating place, filled with options and opportunities. Consider the possibility of a daily spiritual practice. What’s holding you back?
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Transforming landscapes, seasonal harvests and cooling temperatures awaken deep, inner desires that are asleep or lay dormant at other times of year. A practical realist at heart, instincts tell you that summer’s end heralds autumn, the time to gather what you need for winter. A full pantry and a good partner are on that list. Feel your feelings, and follow your heart. Remain open and willing to pair and share.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Schoolbooks and school bells, lessons and learning morph into your consciousness. Whether it’s you or your children, friends or family, you are aware that the daily schedules and activities of many have changed. The final days of summer are on the horizon as we walk toward autumn. Virgo marks the second half of your solar year, a time of commitment and marriage. Focus on your part and be the best you can be.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa in the desert Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com
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