
(note: click on the box in the lower right corner of the YouTube window to view full screen)

Needle Rock is a mountain pillar in the Telluride region, climbing to 10,564 feet above sea level. Needle Rock – pun intended – is also the name of the town's only fiber arts store, as of April 20, comfortably ensconced in brand new digs: 320 West Colorado Avenue. (It's the little purple house set back from the road, originally a fabric and sewing store. What goes around....)

On Friday, April 2, Telluride's community radio station, KOTO, held its annual street dance to close out the winter season with a bang, not a whimper. The entertainment included Telluride's all-women rock and roll band, The 525s, who opened the festivities for the main event, Ralph Dinosaur and the Fabulous Volcanos – and a fashion show. (I am not talking about the parade of pink on Main Street.) Between the acts, Needle Rocks Fiberarts, our local knitting salon, strutted its stuff on the stage adjacent to Telluride's courthouse.
[click "Play" to listen to Susan's conversation with Dr. Howard Savin]

Dr. Howard Savin

April is National Autism Month, and once again Telluride is on the map. Annie Clark, an OT and yoga instructor, heads the Autism and Behavioral Consultation Team (ABCT), designated a Model Autism Team by the Colorado Department of Education (CDE), working to develop increasingly comprehensive family support inside and outside the school systems in five districts: Ouray, Ridgway, Norwood, the West End and Telluride.

Autism is a general term used to describe a group of complex spectrum of developmental brain disorders known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD). Autism produces significant impairment in social, communicative, cognitive, and behavioral functioning, typically lasting a person's lifetime.

DSCN1658 DSCN1657 If your off season plans take you through the Denver Airport, pray that your plane is delayed (slightly) so that you’ll have time to go check out the current exhibit at the Ansbacher Hall, located on the walkway between the A concourse and the main terminal. Two local artists, Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer and Meredith Nemirov, are featured in 33 IDEAS!, an exhibit showcasing innovative artists and writers who have investigated land and social issues in a variety of mediums. With an artistic and literary exploration of contemporary topics, this exhibit is intended to create dialogue about a variety of issues and inspire new ways of thinking.

33 IDEAS! showcases visual and literary artists associated with Colorado Art Ranch, where they have been presenters, artists-in-residence, or involved in one or more Artposia (public interdisciplinary symposia). The group was selected to represent Colorado Art Ranch’s philosophy.

Longroadcover Telluride Ski Resort is pleased to announce the appearance of the Drew Emmitt Band at Gorrono Ranch Easter Sunday, April 4, 2 p.m. at the Gorrono Ranch.

Following a decade of success with Leftover Salmon, Drew Emmitt is revered as one of the most energetic and innovative mandolin players on the jamband/newgrass scene today.

The Gorrono deck party is free to skiers and riders with valid lift tickets and passes. No other access to Gorrono Ranch is available. No outside alcohol is allowed. Backpacks are checked at the Gorrono Ranch entrance. Wristbands are issued for alcohol purchases for those over 21 years of age and PROPER ID IS REQUIRED.

IMG_0714 IMG_0713 Telluride is hosting around 250 airline personnel, members of the North American Airline Ski Federation (NAASF)  this week, March 28- April 2. Telluride Inside... and Out spoke last week with Telluride coordinator Demian Brooks who provided an event overview. Dem is a pilot with Delta Airlines and a Telluride local. The schedule for the week included race training, races for both experienced (A Racers) and newby racers (B Racers), parties, barbeques, dinners, and connections with old friends.

[click "Play" to hear Gareth Martins' conversation with Susan]

CIMG7288 Telluride's The New Community Coalition's Green Building Roundtable continues with the third talk in the series. "The Evolution of Sustainability in an Independent Outdoor Company" focuses on the story of Osprey – "Pack Your Passion and Go" – and the company's green team. The event takes place  Friday, April 2, 8:30 – 9: 30 a.m. upstairs at the award-winning Wilkinson Public Library. The speaker is Gareth Martins, Director of Marketing.

Last November, Telluride Inside... and Out sponsor/contributor Erik Dalton of Jagged Edge was all hopped up about a new ski/snowboard backpack for the winter season he believed to be the perfect travel companion on all sort of outdoor adventures: the Kode series from Osprey could do everything but walk your dog.
[click "Play" to listen to Sherri Hubner about the event]

ExtraMoistBalm_pr Part time Telluride local, beauty expert/entrpreneur Bobbi Brown started a makeup revolution in 1991 with just a handful of lipsticks and a simple notion: “Women want to look and feel like themselves, only prettier and more confident.”

Bobbi told Telluride Inside... and Out years ago she thinks all women are beautiful, regardless of age, race, shape or size. Bobbi's product philosophy can be summed up in a few words: make-up that is super-wearable and easy to apply, and products that enhance a woman's God-given gifts.

A storm hit the San Juan Mountains Friday, bringing an incredible 22 inches of snow to the Telluride Ski area in the last 24 hours. Snow fell at a rate of 2-4 inches/hour throughout the region Friday night.Today, Saturday was mostly sunny and on...

[click play to hear Demian Brooks' conversation with Clint] View from the top of Telluride gondola The North American Airline Ski Federation (NAASF) is holding one of their ski weeks in Telluride from Sunday, March 28-Friday, April...