
[click "Play" to hear Sunny Griffin speak with Susan about skin care]

Sunny at Spa.jpg The Himmel Spa at The Franz Klammer is located in Telluride's sister town, The Mountain Village, a short gondola ride up the mountain from our box canyon.

On Wednesday, the Klammer is hosting Sunny Griffin, founder/owner of Astara Skin Care. The event takes place 3 – 5 p.m. and is open to the general public. Aestheticians are on hand to do free mini- facials (about 20 minutes each). Massage therapists will do chair massage. There is food and Astara gifts.

Maribeth Clemente is host of Travel Fun, a talk show on Telluride's KOTO public radio. On September 8, 6:30 p.m., her special guest is documentarian and Telluride Film Festival board member Ken Burns, talking about his six-part series, “The National Parks:  America’s Best Idea,” which...

[click "Play" to hear Clint's conversation with Erik Dalton of Jagged Edge]Telluride outdoorsmen Erik Dalton (owner of Jagged Edge in Telluride); brother Chris Dalton; Ben Clark, among other things a host with Plum TV in Telluride; and Tim Johnson who also works with Plum TV; ...

[click "Play" to hear Kristin Holbrook's take on boots] Let's play a game of free association. We live in Telluride, so when we say "boot," you probably say "ski." Right? Not if you are Kristin Holbrook of Two Skirts. Telluride Inside and Out's fashionista says,...

[click "Play" to hear Susan's conversation with John Sir Jesse]

100-0056_IMG_3 In Telluridespeak, the event is known as Mushfest. The 29th annual Mushfest, aka Telluride Mushroom Festival  – billed as "the nation's oldest mycological conference exploring all things fungal" – happens this weekend, August 27 – August 30.

In the context of the Telluride Mushfest, the world wide web takes on a whole other meaning: we are talking about mycelium, the sentient  web of cells, which, in just one magical phase of its life cycle, fruits mushrooms. Shroom evangelists from writer Terence Kemp McKenna and avant garde composer John Cage to Paul Stamets, a Mushfest regular, filmmaker Ron Mann ("Know Your Mushrooms),  and this year's special guest Gary Lincoff ("Mushroom Magick") head the list of true believers who contend fabulous fungi have the potential to save the planet.

IMG_0394 In previous posts I have mentioned that it is difficult to leave Telluride in any season, but in Summer, for me, it is hard to even contemplate. Susan left two weeks ago to finish a major commitment to get her teaching credentials in her yoga discipline, Viniyoga. I stayed in Telluride to hold down the fort until time to join her for her last few days at Mount Madonna, California, and to attend her graduation ceremony.

Because my days were not going to be too busy, of course I brought along some toys. I wasn't sure I would be using the kayak, but I wasn't sure I wouldn't, so it came along. I thought my mountain bike might be more versatile for our location than the road bike, so that came as well.

[click "Play" to listen to Clint's interview with Nicole Stone-Lankes] Nicole Stone-Lankes, partner in Telluride's 8750ALT, believes that the operating philosophy of many gyms is to sell memberships in excess of what the facility can sustain, in the hope that most members will visit only...