Telluride Adaptive Sports Program: Expand Your Horizons Camp

Telluride Adaptive Sports Program: Expand Your Horizons Camp

IMGP1000 Did you see them on the mountain in Telluride? Athletes with disabilities, some of them wounded vets, people with impaired vision, skiers in sit-down equipment. They were all over the mountain this week, on the Meadows, on Gold Hill, in Logpile, notching great times on the NASTAR course.

IMGP1002 Some 22 highly motivated skiers who just happened to have injuries or a genetic-linked disability were ripping up the runs in Telluride these past few days at Telluride Adaptive Sports Program’s Expand Your Horizons Camp.

Jesus Pintos

I had the opportunity to ski with Jesus Pintos, whose advancement in the bi-ski was wonderful to watch. Even our wreck at the bottom of the NASTAR hill, sliding through the timing gate, wasn’t enough to dampen his spirts. However, Jesus would like to correct some information that was published by another media organization. His home is in Boynton Beach, FL, he was wounded in Afghanistan, and he is very proud to have served in the US Marine Corps, not the Army.

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