Full moon, Telluride Valley Floor

Full moon, Telluride Valley Floor

IMGP0983 January full moon (plus 1 day) in Telluride. Jackie Greene was playing at the Opera House, but for many locals, the place to be was the Valley Floor for moonlight cross country skiing. To sweeten the deal there were stations for hot cider, soup, and cookies and brownies. 

IMGP0982 I was reminded of growing up in rural Washington state, where on winter nights my parents would join friends for outdoor ice skating. Full moon skiing on the Valley Floor has that same kind of home-made, casually social feel. Though I missed the concert, the pleasure of gliding along the river in the moonlight and seeing friends enjoying the evening certainly made up for it. The beautifully groomed trails by the Telluride Nordic Association take on a new magic under the moon.

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