Author: Clint Viebrock

IMGP1708 Regular readers of Telluride Inside... and Out will recognize a familiar voice at the helm: Deb Dion has the con while Susan and I are on the road. Thanks for taking control, Deb.

We had a good week in Hackensack, NJ, with Susan's parents, with a few side trips into New York for art, theatre (if you're in New York, don't miss "Little Foxes" at New York Theatre Workshop) and catching up with friends. We had good pass rider karma on Delta Airlines, with seats in Business Class for the 10 hour flight to Athens. That set us up to hit the ground running when we arrived.

Construction and traffic delays related to labor strikes (protesting austerity measures mandated by EU bailouts in Greece) slowed our ride into the city. Our driver, Stevios, had plenty of stories to fill the time. Our first home-away-from-home, the Eridanus Luxury Art Hotel, has proven helpful beyond measure, as well as beautiful. The view of the Acropolis from our patio is also a major benefit.

[click "Play" to hear Susan's conversation with Cindy Lee]



Popovich_2 Telluride is known for many fine things: gnarly ski terrain, a robust cultural economy – and the fact we are a pet paradise. Raise your hand if you are a local who weeps at the thought of an animal in need. That's most of us, right? (Ok, except the guy at the east end of town who messed with the poop.)

On Sunday, October 17, 2010, 4 p.m. Telluride's Michael D. Palm Theatre presents the Popovich Comedy Pet Theatre, featuring Gregory Popovitch and his 16 cats and 10 dogs, all rescues from animal shelters. The event sponsor is Cindy Lee's Wags & Menace Foundation, also a big-time supporter of Second Chance Humane Society. Second Chance plans to bring a cast of thousands from its Ridgway shelter to the show in the hopes of finding some of them loving homes. Popovitch could be the show that keeps on giving.

IMGP1496 I believe I have mentioned before: for me there is no good time to leave Telluride. But things are so busy in Telluride during the Winter and Summer, that if one is to get out of town to visit family, the shoulder season is when it's going to happen.

We were in Telluride long enough to be aware of this even-more-beautiful Autumn, but mostly we have been on the road. We were in Pittsburgh in early September with daughter #2, Kjertsin Klein and husband Greg and grandkids Dylan and Anna. That was a great time. We hadn't been together for a year, so there was a lot of catching up to do, and lots of noticing that the kids had shot up in the meantime.

Salt_smallteaser Inception_smallimax Telluride's Nugget Theatre has two movies on the bill for the week of Friday, October 8-Thursday, October 14: "Salt", rated PG 13, and "Inception", also PG 13.

"Inception" is a repeat, a story about industrial espionage in which a clever spy must plant an idea in the mind of a company principal, and the victim must believe that idea is his own.

Angelina Jolie is a CIA agent on the run in "Salt"; on the run because she has been fingered as a rogue agent, and must use all her skills to stay ahead of her fellows. Staying ahead means using her abilities to run down an elevator shaft by bouncing off the side walls, for example. According to the critics, she makes it believable.

See below for movie times, and the Nugget website for reviews and trailers.

IMG_7909 Telluride Inside... and Out immediately called Shlomi Eldar's "Precious Life" one of the most powerful films we saw at the Telluride Film Festival last month.

"Precious Life" is a documentary about a Palestinian family trying to save the life of their infant son in an Israeli hospital. Susan had only a few moments to chat with Shlomi after the screening, as he was being rushed off to another event. Shlomi promised to take some time after the dust settled (he was headed for the Toronto Film Festival immediately after Telluride) to do an interview with Telluride Inside... and Out. This article, conducted by email, is the result of that conversation.

S_1 Susan Viebrock: At any point in your life did you imagine yourself directing a major documentary?

Shlomi Eldar: I started this project only because I couldn't get into Gaza Strip after Gilad Shalit has been kidnapped and after the blocked of Gaza by Israel. I had to find new stories so when I have got the e-mail from Dr. Raz Somech I said to myself "let's try and make a piece about it, it might be interesting." Only when one single person donated the whole amount of money I found myself following the process and the journey of saving Muhammad. Something inside me told me that it can become a film. In short I didn’t think or mean to make a major documentary and I didn’t realized that I could take 3 years working on that film.

 Telluride locals, Ben Clark and Jon Miller, returned to climb and ski Baruntse, 23,390' in the Himalayas of Nepal. Their attempt in the Spring of 2009 was cut short. In this episode, Spring of 2010, we see them climbing in the 20,000' range, getting acclimated...

 This week's video from Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel gives us a view of some of the criteria we should use in selecting a dog. You are thinking about getting a puppy. Have you thought about...

Easya_smallposter The movie for the week of October 1 through 7 at Telluride's Nugget Theatre is "Easy A", rated PG-13. Olive (Emma Stone) invents a weekend tryst rather than admit she spen the weekend home alone. The resulting rumor is used to elevate her social status, using a modern adaptation of the Scarlet Letter. "Easy A" has a good cast and critics have commented positivley on the intelligence of the comedy. See below for movie times and the Nugget website for trailers and reviews.



IMGP1496 We at Telluride Inside... and Out have family on both coasts, and in between. With the busy calendar in Telluride in Summer and Winter, most of our travel gets concentrated in the off seasons. Throw in the occasional glitch, and that off-season travel can get hectic.

IMGP1567_2 The past several weeks serve as an illustration: Susan and I spent a week in Pittsburgh with daughter Kjerstin and family. Some transportation difficulties made it more advantageous to forgo our planned two day stop in Telluride before continuing to the Seattle area to be with Chief Geek Kimm Viebrock and her family. The change meant we had a few extra days with the Northwest contingent, but brought a few difficulties of its own. We had driven to Denver and our car was at the airport. Instead of flying to Rapid City, SD for the annual get-together with fellow retired Northwest Airlines pilots, I flew to Denver, got the car, drove to Rapid City.