Author: Clint Viebrock

Percyjackson_smallteaser Thehurtlocker_smallposter The movies this week at Telluride's Nugget Theatre are "The Hurt Locker" and "Lightning Thief" with a special showing of Academy Award-nominated "Invictus" on Thursday, March 25. "Invictus" is presented by the Telluride Film Festival.

"Lightning Thief" (rated PG) is Greek mythology brought into modern America and concerns a lad saving his mother and returning Zeus' lightning bolt. By the way, Zeus is the boy's father.

Invictus_smallposter The Oscars were good for "The Hurt Locker" (rated R) as the movie picked up six awards. The story is about combat bomb squad volunteers, and probably has a bit of violence.

 On Thursday, March 25, the Telluride Film Festival presents "Invictus" which earned Oscar nominations for Morgan Freeman (as Nelson Mandela) and Matt Damon.

See below for showtimes, and the Nugget website for trailers and reviews.

Don't forget to set your timepieces ahead one hour tonight. And, along with that, the lift operating times for the Telluride Ski Resort change to 10:00 am-5:00 pm to make use of the new hours of sunlight. ...

Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel's Ted Hoff always sends us some great stuff about training dogs, dogs playing, a dog's life at Cottonwood. This week's video falls into the latter two categories. But the training piece is always there in the background. Socialization (and...

Aneducation_smallposter Crazyheart_smallposter Three movies on tap this week at Telluride's Nugget Theatre: "Valentine's Day"  (rated PG-13) also showed last week and features an large ensemble cast telling stories of people in love, people who want to be in love, people who are NOT in love, all in the 24 hours of Valentine's Day.

"Crazy Heart" (rated R) is the vehicle for Jeff Bridges' boozed up has-been of a country singer, for which he won Best Actor in the recent Academy Awards.

Speaking of the Oscars, Carry Mulligan was nominated for Best Actress for her role in "An Education" (rated PG-13) which premiered at the Telluride Film Festival last September. If you missed it last Fall, hie thee to the Nugget.

See below for showtimes and the Nugget website for trailers and reviews.

Telluride local Ben Clark with his trekking friends Jon Miller and Josh Butson spent Spring of 2009 in Nepal. The team posted five episodes of raw footage video shot during their journey on iTunes. Check it out: the episodes collectively show up first on...

(editor's note: Somehow the post that was to accompany Ted's video went adrift. I am attempting to recreate the feeling of that post days later.) Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel is constantly working with his dogs and the dogs in...

Valentinesday_smallposter Youthinrevolt_smallonline The Nugget Theatre in beautiful downtown Telluride has three movies on the schedule for the week of Friday, March 5-Thursday, March 11.

"Youth in Revolt" (Rated R) features a laid back Nick Twist (Michael Cera) whose parents have split, each having taken up with a differently inappropriate partner. On a trailer park vacation, his mother and her crude boyfriend flaunt their sexuality and Nick meets Sheeni (Portia Doubleday). Nick is on a mission to lose his virginity... Then the fun begins.

An all-star ensemble cast pairs up, or not, on one day, "Valentine's Day." The movie is rated PG-13. Many people who saw "Valentine's Day"  loved it. The critics, not so much. So go, and make up your own mind.

Drparnassus_smallposter Terry Gilliam's "The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus" (Rated PG-13) has a great cast and an intriguing, if confusing story. And real life intervened to make this movie even more of a house of mirrors: during the filming Heath Ledger, one of the principals, died. The solution: bring in Johnny Depp and others as alter egos. Should be interesting.

See below for movietimes, and the Nugget website for trailers and reviews.

At 15 weeks, Drake's training continues. Ted Hoff, Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel, has engaged Cabela and Mae to help with Drake's socialization, and to model longer periods of Sit/Stay. Notice how Drake, the young yellow Labrador, pays attention to what the more mature...

Frozen_smallposter Wheninrome_smallposter2 Telluride's Nugget Theatre is showing three movies the week of Friday, February 26 through Thursday, March 4. For showtimes see below; the Nugget website has trailers and reviews.

"When in Rome" gets higher marks from viewers than from the critics. "War and Peace" it ain't, but the principals are attractive, and if you can accept enchanted coins from the fountain, you'll probably have a good time.

"Frozen" is an indie film (rated R) which has its three boarder protagonists stranded on a chair lift after everyone else has gone home. Again, viewer response has been largely positive. Be glad you're warm in the Nugget and not up over Awesome Rock when darkness sets in.