Telluride Inside… and Out on the road: Arriving in Athens

Telluride Inside… and Out on the road: Arriving in Athens

IMGP1708 Regular readers of Telluride Inside… and Out will recognize a familiar voice at the helm: Deb Dion has the con while Susan and I are on the road. Thanks for taking control, Deb.

We had a good week in Hackensack, NJ, with Susan's parents, with a few side trips into New York for art, theatre (if you're in New York, don't miss "Little Foxes" at New York Theatre Workshop) and catching up with friends. We had good pass rider karma on Delta Airlines, with seats in Business Class for the 10 hour flight to Athens. That set us up to hit the ground running when we arrived.

Construction and traffic delays related to labor strikes (protesting austerity measures mandated by EU bailouts in Greece) slowed our ride into the city. Our driver, Stevios, had plenty of stories to fill the time. Our first home-away-from-home, the Eridanus Luxury Art Hotel, has proven helpful beyond measure, as well as beautiful. The view of the Acropolis from our patio is also a major benefit.

IMGP1670 We took a nap before going out, then had a wonderful walk through the ancient Agora in the shadow of the Acropolis. The rain didn't stop us as we walked miles through the city, stopping for a snack and a drink at a taverna in the Plaka before returning to Eridanus for a great dinner. By the end of our meal, we voted our first day in Athens a complete success.

We will be posting regularly on our vacation. Susan will be adding her comments on our Athens stay shortly. 

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