
Dr. Haley Perlus continues with weekly tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” Ok, yes, this is her second post this week, but that is because just three days ago, big news came out of the sports world: Serena Williams trounced sister Venus to reach U.S. Opens semis. Sadly, as...

You arrive home from either being gone on a quick errand or a long day from work, the duration doesn’t matter as much as that you are back! You actually came home. My tail becomes a helicopter of excitement and you know without a doubt...

The newly formed Telluride First Foundation’s freshman conference is an Integrative Wellness Summit, Friday, September 11 – Sunday, September 13, 2015. The event brings together top experts in the fields of nutrition, longevity, and integrative healthcare, who plan to share the latest scientific findings and the great potential for enhanced, holistic wellness inherent in those discoveries and methodologies. Topics will...

My favorite summer sport is mountain biking. But, I’ve found, if I want to hang with my girlfriends in the summer, I’ve got to hike. Sure, a few are up for a weekday ride, and more are game for a road ride, but when it...

Telluride First Foundation’s inaugural conference in Mountain Village features Dr. Deepak Chopra as keynote speaker. Dr. T. Colin Campbell, co-author of “The China Study,” the largest investigation of nutrition every conducted, and ultra-athlete, Rich Roll, also a plant-based food advocate, among top-tier presenters. The Integrative Wellness Summit takes place Friday, September...

The Telluride Hospital District (THD) announced this week the appointment of two new members onto its Board of Directors as well as the resignations of two outgoing directors. Joining the Board of Directors are Davis Fansler and Richard Betts. "These newest directors embody the spirit of...

Dr. Haley Perlus continues with weekly tips about ways to empower “Your Inner Athlete.” Discover this week ways to increase finding your flow. You’ve most likely heard people talk about the runner’s high or being in the zone. Sport psychologists call it Flow, but it all...

My latest medical update is that I am still receiving inquiries for a vaccine for the Canine influenza virus that hit in the Midwest last spring/summer. Unfortunately there still is no vaccine for this virus (H3N2, not to be confused with H3N8 for which there...

Telluride First Foundation’s inaugural conference in Mountain Village features Dr. Deepak Chopra as keynote speaker. Ultra-athlete, plant-based food advocate Rich Roll also top-tier presenter. Rich offers a Running Clinic, Saturday, September 12, 3:30 -5 p.m. (Don’t be intimidated.) He speaks about “The PLANTPOWER Way to Life Tranformation on Sunday, September 13,...

Every time I call my Dad, my stomach clenches and I brace myself. “It’s Debbie,” I say. Sometimes I say it twice. Because I’m never sure if he’s going to recognize my voice, and someday I know he’s not going to recognize my name. “It’s Debbie....