Alacazem 2013.08.22
August 22 to 29, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Venus, Saturn Welcome to the zodiac month of Virgo, time to honor the goddess inside and out, c
August 22 to 29, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Venus, Saturn Welcome to the zodiac month of Virgo, time to honor the goddess inside and out, c
August 15 to 22, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Venus, Saturn The other day I was returning from a walk in the woods adjoining the canyon rim south
August 8 to 15, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury Evening: Jupiter, Saturn Every year I find myself looking forward to August 7th – the exact point of
August 1 to 8, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury Evening: Jupiter, Saturn We all know the lion as the king – or queen – of beasts. Strong, courageous and proud
July 25 to August 1, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury Evening: Jupiter, Saturn I love the fertile blend of the Cancer/Leo zodiac months. Mother
July 18 to 25, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Venus, Saturn The planets are like an enormous cosmic clock, gears and wheels in circular revolution, t
July 11 to 18, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter Evening: Venus, Saturn This week I feel compelled to write about the long-standing, ongoing Uranus
June 27 to July 4, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: Mars Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn April, May and June have been full of physical trials and emotional tur
Divorce and custody issues are traumatic events, second only to death of a loved one. Nothing is more important to most parents than the welfare, safety, and nourishment of their c
June 20 to 27, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn Summer solstice takes place on June 20th at 11:07 pm MDT this year, just two
June 13 to 20, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn I have to admit, I am having a difficult time writing the intro to thi
June 6 to 13, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Mercury, Venus, Saturn “The same, only different.” – Anonymous How many times have I
May 30 to June 6, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn Our celestial sojourn through three eclipses and the
May 23 to 30, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn A full Moon lunar eclipse [May 24 @ 10:26 pm MDT] and Mo
May 16 to 23, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn May in Colorado is a month of embracing beauty, magnificent skies, pound
May 9 to 10, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn I’m writing these words just one hour prior t
May 2 to 9, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury Evening: Jupiter, Saturn I don’t know about you, but these last several weeks have been as challenging and tran
April 25 to May 2, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn Evening: Jupiter Looking back and feeling the rush of emotion that forever flows in the River of Life
Editor’s note: Dr. Paul Hokemeyer is a nationally recognized expert on Eastern philosophies, relationships, and emotional healing. A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, he ho
April 18 to 25, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn Evening: Jupiter The all-powerful Sun and warrior Mars move in to calm, steady Taurus this week to join the m
Editor’s note: Dr. Paul Hokemeyer is a nationally recognized expert on Eastern philosophies, relationships, and emotional healing. A Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, he ho
April 11 to 18, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn Evening: Jupiter The Aries new Moon is in many ways the true beginning of the natural astrological year
April 4 to 11, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn Evening: Jupiter This is the last week I’ll be featuring Wonder Woman as a feminine icon of the Aquarian A