26 Apr ALACAZEM 2013.04.25
April 25 to May 2, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Saturn Evening: Jupiter
Looking back and feeling the rush of emotion that forever flows in the River of Life is something I do, on occasion. Weddings and funerals, birth and death; those poignant moments of love and pain, loss and gain that snag me like a fallen tree submerged beneath the water’s shimmering, shining surface. Hiding beneath the illusionary boundary of reflected sunlight dancing upon constantly moving water, the hidden branches reach out and catch me as I float along, impede progress, stop motion and turn my attention inward.
I recently crossed the Continental Divide to the place of my birth, childhood and young adult life – the land of Denver – that burgeoning, ever-expanding metropolis nestled along the Front Range of Colorado’s magnificent Rocky Mountains. I went to celebrate my older brother Jeff’s birthday and also attend the memorial funeral service for my father’s oldest brother, my Uncle Carl Francis Hansen. He was the oldest and last living sibling in my Father’s family of origin. Killing two birds with one stone – not really an appropriate analogy, considering the paradox – but one I choose to make.
Both events were celebrations of life. One was casual, with siblings and spouses, nieces and nephews. It took place in a noisy brewpub on the I-25 corridor, with easy access and nouveau chic cuisine. The other was with a much larger group of relatives, family and extended family in the Blessed Sacrament Church – the church in which my Father, his brothers and sister went to grade school, attended mass and learned to pray. There is a stained glass window in the altarpiece there created and dedicated to the memory of my paternal grandmother, Gertrude Daly Hansen, who died when my Father was young. It is a space that always gives me pause. I consider the history, the feelings and events that transpired there, the countless coming of age stories that live and breathe in those walls and windows – invisible, eternal, mysterious. It is the same place that we held a memorial mass for my Dad, John Paul, in 1986. The same pulpit upon which I stood to read the poem I wrote for my father in honor of his life and death, a poem Of the Heart.
Uncle Carl’s daughter Jan and granddaughter Jinnie both got up to speak at the same pulpit. They spoke of the man they loved – Father and Grandfather – a man of great love and laughter, abiding strength and courageous spirit. After the ceremony, we gathered in the reception hall, ate dinner, visited, and watched an incredibly touching slide show on the life of Carl Francis Hansen. Old black and white photographs of toddlers and parents; children growing up and becoming young adults. The evolution of a family. Pictures of three handsome young men in uniform, smiling and embracing, going off to fight a war in the Pacific, saying goodbye to their sweet, beautiful, younger sister. Brothers in arms. And all coming back in the 40’s to the Queen City of the Plains, the land of their birth. Looking to find their way home, following their destiny. And then there was Carl as a man, James Dean in a cowboy hat, brawny and beautiful, smiling, surrounded by horses and wide-open fields. And not long after, two young daughters in each of his arms.
Family, family, family. In my heart, in my soul. In your heart, in your soul. It’s who we are, it’s where we come from. Family is gold. For all of us who love and laugh, live and remember – love and pain, loss and gain. God Bless…and may we all – now and forever – follow our hearts, and – now and forever – cherish our memories and – now and forever – rest in peace.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) The first lunar eclipse of 2013 illuminates issues hiding beneath the surface of our physical, material world and lives. Whatever lies hidden in the deep reaches of your subconscious – obsessions, compulsions, fears and demonic forces – is being pulled up and out. Deal with inner darkness via basic self-honesty and truth. Responsibility is freedom.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Hiding from the truth is simply living in darkness. This week’s lunar eclipse bestows the gift of inner and outer peace to those who walk their talk and travel the good red road of spirit. You know what is right and understand the equation of action and consequence. Life is a series of decisions and choices. Balance and integrity are allies. Live in the light.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) We spiral through space, immersed in an ever-changing flow of frequencies. Ruled by Mercury, planet of information via invisible and visible sources, you may find yourself picking up messages and images on a variety of channels. Pay attention to what you receive via intuition, dreams and synchronicity. Focus on self-improvement. Do the work.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) This spring we experience three eclipses in a row, and this week is the first one. In tandem with the ongoing Uranus-Pluto square, we find ourselves in the eye of a virtual hurricane of illumination, awakening and transformation. Especially targeted are deep-seated and practiced behavior patterns that ultimately work against us. Be open to change.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) The pressure to release long-standing patterns and beliefs that hold you back and prevent progress intensifies as the celestial window opens upon a series of three solar and lunar eclipses. The first of April 25th focuses on the core values upon which you build your life and the physical relationships you have in it. Accept responsibility for your part, do your best.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Security, self-sufficiency, acquiring and relinquishing are themes this week as the year’s first lunar eclipse shines light upon what needs to stay and what needs to go. Take personal inventory of your life and possessions. The more we have, the more we have to take care of. Take a realistic look at your life and release what you have outgrown. Be here now.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Full Moons bring light to dark and it is no mistake that this week you are seeing people, places and things exactly as they are. Rosy illusions and idealistic visions of fairy-tale hopes and dreams dissolve in the sunshine of truth. Boundaries, commitments and goals are clarified as you focus on facts and simply do the next right thing. Live and let go, follow the light.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) The Taurus-Scorpio full Moon is perennially one of the most seductive lunations of the year. Lunar eclipses signal major endings and new beginnings, so this week, expect to feel the cosmos shifting sands and turning clocks upon a metamorphic personal new era. Stand in the light of goodness, live in the light of truth and shimmer in the light of virtue.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) You may find yourself immersed in a sea of emotion, surrendering to feelings and forces must greater than yourself. Keep your head above water as you surf the waves and swim the mystical seas of spirit. You are being asked to connect with a higher power, a divine source and co-create your life. Let go of ego and accept the magic. Relinquish, release and relax.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Pressure to change and the desire to change run neck-to-neck in a race of personal awakening and enlightenment. Fortunately, you are feeling calmer and more stable than you have in months. You understand that security is ultimately an illusion and that what you think is forever is always temporary. Behind the clouds, the Sun is always shining.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) The Wheel of Fortune turns as the Hand of Fate marks a turning point in your yearly cycle of birth, death, rebirth and transformation. Issues of authority emerge in a dance of individual and shared responsibility. We have a right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. How does your pursuit interface with others? Give and take, negotiate and compromise.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) The Taurus-Scorpio full Moon lunar eclipse is one of great power and potential for the Fish, as it marks a time of visionary insight and intellectual awakening. Communication and education are themes. Seek enlightenment via spiritual teachings, texts and philosophies. Research, travel and explore. When the student is ready, the teacher appears.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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