ALACAZEM 2014.02.06
February 6 to 13, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning:Venus, Mars, Saturn Evening: Mercury, Jupiter What happened to the Broncos? As reluctant as I am to relive that horrendously
February 6 to 13, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning:Venus, Mars, Saturn Evening: Mercury, Jupiter What happened to the Broncos? As reluctant as I am to relive that horrendously
The answer to the question proposed in the title I can be found in a New York Times article written by the husband and wife team of Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld. I found it both sur
Alacazem by Cynthia Zehm January 30 to February 6, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus, Mars, Saturn Evening: Mercury, Jupiter Gung hay fat choy &#
We found the following this article, a definite wake-up call, about how tech can crash human relationships in amNew York‘s blog. One of the voices weighing in is that of Dr.
The following article by Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, a part-time Telluride local, appeared in Financial Advisor Magazine on January 7, 2014. In it, he talks about the fact that high ne
January 23 to 30, 2014 Visible Planets:Morning:Venus, Mars, Saturn Evening:Mercury, Jupiter I have to admit, I love football. Also that I am a life-long Denver Broncos fan. Goo
January 16 to 23, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus, Jupiter How about that magnificent full Moon? Wow! All over the world – on Ja
Men. Women. Babies. Makes no never mind, we all do it all the time. I am talking about dreaming. Every night for at least two hours, we have at least one, sometimes several dreams,
I admit my bias. It’s no big secret that I teach yoga. I also study the art & science daily to better share its luminous benefits – physical, physiological and psycholo
I resolved to stop resolving last week. Maybe last year. But I found this blog in Huff Post Healthy Living about resolving and had to share. It was written by “Love Doctor&#
January 9 to 16, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Saturn Evening: Jupiter Anyone interested in astrology – and even many who aren’t – has heard the term “Me
If the holiday partying did not do it, guaranteed winter will – or could, unless you take the proper precautions. I am talking about wreaking havoc on your skin. But here are 
A glimpse in the rear view mirror can be eye-opening. Especially if the view is all the way back to the civilization of the ancient Maya. This article in Huff Post is yet another
January 2 to 9, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus, Jupiter Wow! I’m exhausted. Although my Christmas week and New Year’s celebration
Did you resolve not to sweat the small stuff. Because it is ALL small stuff? If yes, this insightful blog from HuffPost Lifestyle featuring 14 things that concern most of us some
Ask anyone involved in the Telluride AIDS Benefit and they’ll tell you abstinence-only does not work. But abstinence only may be the only sure-fire cure for the common hangov
You have reached the finish line. The holiday trifecta is effectively OVER. Except for The List. Have you made your New Year’s resolutions yet? Mine involve daily meditation,
New Year’s Eve is coming on faster than a freight train, and with it the inevitable list of promises you make to yourself. How did you fare with last year’s list? Will
December 26 to January 2, 2014 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus “What are you ready to leave behind? What do you want to manifest now?
Telluride Inside… and Out means the challenges of social media are as much a part of daily life as walking Gina the Dog and flossing. In honor of Christmas, we found lessons from
December 19 to 26, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus Winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year, takes p
December 12 to 19, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus Believing in religion is a lot like believing in fairy tales. Mystical, magical