20 Dec ALACAZEM 2013.12.19
December 19 to 26, 2013 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Evening: Venus
Winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere, the shortest day of the year, takes place in 2013 on December 21st. The Sun is symbolically reborn on this day; it has reached its southernmost point on the earth’s horizon and begins its long journey back north, passing through spring equinox and continuing on to its northernmost point of summer solstice in June. Days will be getting longer, and darkness is on the wane.
Many ancient – and not so ancient – cultures have conducted celebrations of light and performed rituals of renewal on winter solstice for millennia. And today the tradition lives on. In America, we string Christmas lights on trees and buildings, bushes, cactus, statues, trucks and cars. Anything is game. It’s a lovely perennial holiday show honoring the spirit of light.
Last week I made my own small journey north to Denver, city of my birth, to visit friends and family. Amidst emotions and motion, I met up with my long-cherished-girlfriend-from-high school, Molly – who now lives in New Orleans and is an English professor at Tulane – for dinner and cantos at the vesperas ceremony on the evening prior to the Our Lady of Guadalupe feast day. A few days later I found myself in Larimer Square, having dinner at Ted’s Montana Grill. How the city has changed since my childhood and teens, when Larimer Street was home to winos and bums, full of abandoned buildings, flophouses and seedy hotels. But just like the Sun at winter solstice, downtown Denver has been reborn. Fancy shops and gourmet restaurants abound. Coors Field and LoDo are super cool and hip. Hot chicks in short skirts, boots and stockings were out and about, well-dressed young men laughed and joked. No bums or winos, no abandoned buildings in sight.
But, there was one Christmas tradition in downtown Denver that has remained the same. The magnificent, beautiful Civic Center Building facing the Colorado State Capitol Building is still decorated in a bounty of light. It’s distinctive shape and façade, colonnades, spiring clock tower and arcing wings were drenched in rainbows of color. Greens, blues, reds and yellows. It looked like a big Christmas cake of light. Sweet!
Merry Christmas, Happy Solstice, blessings of joy and Peace on Earth. May you walk in beauty…and carry the Light.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) Winter Solstice translates as a point of reckoning for the Ram. What you have done, how you have behaved and the self you present to the world come together in a equation of truth and consequence. And with several planets in reality-based Capricorn, you must face the facts and accept the results. Cause and effect equal karma.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Philanthropic giving and right action living embrace the Bull with inspiration and gusto as celestial light illuminates the best within. Giving to those in need, focusing on positive aspects – rather than what annoys you – makes you happy, healthy and wise. These are times of great challenge for the world and you can make it better. Simply do your part.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) The best strategy these days is to take care of your own back yard and let others take care of theirs. Self-responsibility is key to happiness now, cultivate healthy boundaries, especially when it comes to spending. It’s easy to get out of control during the holidays, but, ultimately it’s an equation of action and consequence. Keep your head, count your blessings.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) The celestial grand cardinal cross of planets in orb these days is especially poignant for Moonchildren. Home, family, important others and personal self are aligned in a square dance of time, attention and priority. Do your best and focus on balance. This holiday week is demanding. Find your center, breathe deep, cultivate gratitude and choose joy.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) The holidays offer the Lion multiple opportunities to give from the heart, be of service to others and help those who need help. Motivation to get out and about, see the lights and enjoy the Christmas spirit runs strong. Guardian angels surround you now, look for them in everyone you meet. Open to the possibilities of magic, divine guidance and loving kindness.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) The 2013 Christmas week may feel more grounded and practical to you than those in the recent past. Could it be because you are more grounded and practical now than you have been in years? Good things come to those who associate with people who value right action, clean living and self care. Responsibility and practice are key to happiness. Embrace them both.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Busy-ness is everywhere. Wherever you go, there you are. The winds of change blow strong this week as solstice fires flicker with flames of illumination and understanding. Acceptance and right action are keys for health, happiness and well being. Balance emotions with facts and focus on goodness and gratitude. Find inner peace amidst the madness and embrace grace.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Present moment living and heartfelt giving are allies in your battle of integrity, honesty and right action. Planetary power in your solar 3rd house of perception and communication has you observing what you see, hear and say. Practice impeccability with your word and don’t make assumptions. Release resentments and let go of fear. Ask the angels.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) As the Sagittarius birthday month ends on Winter Solstice, the Archer moves into a phase of personal responsibility and realistic self-assessment. What are you doing to take care of you? Are you cultivating healthy boundaries, balancing equations and drawing the line when it comes to indulgence? Enjoy the week as you prepare to prune the bush.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) An action-packed week presents itself with plenty of things to do, parties to attend and people to embrace. Do your best to maintain balance as you go out to see, meet and greet the world. You are somewhat the belle of the ball now, smile and let your light shine. Dress up, decorate and create beauty as you go. Accomplishment motivates, just don’t burn out! Enjoy!
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) A practical, realistic pack of planets in Capricorn is spending the Christmas week in your solar 12th house of compassion, forgiveness and spirit. You may feel more like giving than receiving, so go ahead and share the wealth. And you know that what goes around, comes around, so it’s all good. Help others, be of service and enjoy the joy.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) The Aquarian spirit of friendship, fellowship and camaraderie emerges this week as you find great joy in getting together with people you enjoy. Romantic feelings inspire artistic creativity, share your heart with those you love. Beauty is in a all around you, embrace its bounty as you cultivate self-authenticity, honesty and integrity. Merry Christmas!
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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