23 Jan ALACAZEM 2014.01.23
January 23 to 30, 2014 Visible Planets:Morning:Venus, Mars, Saturn Evening:Mercury, Jupiter
I have to admit, I love football. Also that I am a life-long Denver Broncos fan. Good, bad or ugly…
I was born and raised in the “Big D” and I grew up on football. My father, Jack Hansen, started playing football as a young boy at the Blessed Sacrament Catholic School in Denver and continued on as an “Angel” at East High. He enlisted in the Coast Guard during his senior year – after football season had ended – to fight the war in the Pacific. Following WWII, he was awarded an honorary diploma from his former principal and headed off to see his Father, who had been transferred by the F.W. Woolworth Company from Denver to Cleveland, Ohio. While visiting his Dad, Jack talked to the Cleveland Browns organization about playing professional football there, but decided against it and returned to Denver. And this is where, on one hot summer night at the Moon Drive-In on East Colfax, his younger brother Neil introduced him to his future bride and girl of his dreams; the beautiful, vivacious, voluptuous Carolyn Carter. His fate was sealed.
It wasn’t long before they had three children. My older sister, brother and I were each born one year apart. They were busy! And busy making ends meet. By the time my Mother turned 29, she had given birth to five kids – three girls and two boys. Wow! And bless her heart, we had a great childhood. Denver was an amazing place to grow up. Snowball fights, snowmen, backyard skating rinks and swimming pools, running through sprinklers, building tipis and treehouses in vacant lots, riding horses and playing ditch ‘em with the local gang and yes, always, playing and watching football.
My two brothers played Little League football for the Bombers as kids at Cramner Park. My older sister and I practiced with them in our front yard – where I chipped my first tooth – and we learned how to throw, kick and catch the football, how to run with it, how to tackle and how to evade getting tackled. We learned how to play the game.
Years later, I was watching my brother Jeff score touchdowns in South High stadium for our George Washington High School football team. My boyfriend Barry was the quarterback. The following summer my sister Pam threw a back yard bridal shower for one of her friends that included a keg of beer. My Dad invited a few of the Broncos over for the afternoon. Those were the early days of Coach Lou Saban, quaterback Steve Tensi and the awesome, amazingly talented running back Floyd Little.
Fast forward from then to now. The Denver Broncos are going to Super Bowl XLVIII. Quarterback Peyton Manning has replaced John Elway, who replaced Craig Morton, who replaced…But John Elway is still a big part of our winning team and my Dad’s birthday is coming up on January 28th.
My relationship with my Father was and is an enigma. Like many little girls, I thought he was the biggest, strongest, most handsome man on Earth. As I grew older, he became human. He struggled. He wasn’t always there for me. I felt he could have been a better father, not just to me, but to all his children. Over the years, I realized he did the best he could. He was a very good man. I forgave him for my expectations. But I don’t know if I forgave myself.
Last Sunday, following the Bronco victory over New England for the AFC Championship, I experienced “a moment” – as my brother Jeff likes to say – a moment of awakening, an opening of the heart. It wasn’t just being happy for my winning home team. It was a deepening of my understanding and compassion for the players and coaches, a window into the wild and wondrous world of football – the hopes and dreams of little boys, the courage and commitment of young athletes growing into men, the aches and pains, the hours of practice, the chills, the thrills and spills. I saw a little boy putting on a football uniform. A little boy who was hoping to catch the attention of his father, a little boy who wanted to do the best he could, make a difference, and win. Of course, the little boy was my Dad. My heart dissolved in compassion and love. How could I have ever held anything in my heart for him but love? I felt great gratitude for his life, his life as a Father to all of us, as a Father to me. He gave me life, with my Mom, and after all, he gave us the magic of football.
Happy Birthday Dad. And Go Broncos!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) The last quarter Moon wanes it way to the black moon period of deep and dark, the most fertile time for planting seeds of intention and desire. The Jan. 30th Aquarius new Moon initiates Chinese New Year of the Horse 4712. Identify what you need to let go of as well as what you want to create and cultivate. Change is the name of the game. Flow and go with it.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) The Aquarius zodiac month is one of challenge and confrontation for the Bull. And this is good. While you are gifted with and known for stability, patience and consistency, you may find that the outside world is not. Change is in the ethers and no one is exempt. Remain open to new ideas, different perspectives and focus on positive, practical solutions.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Air Aquarius began January 19th and ends February 18th – welcome Martin Luther King Day, Chinese New Year, Valentine’s Day and Presidents weekend. True to character and archetype, these holidays promise diversity, camaraderie, fellowship, and friendship. Invoke your higher self and join hands and hearts with the world. After all is said and done, we are one.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Voluptuous Venus is wearing a shroud of muted color and subdued light as she retrogrades through Capricorn, your solar 7th house of partnership and marriage. This understated appearance may conceal her seductive power and intense light, but you can still feel the force of her magnetic pull. Remain calm and cool in the face of beauty. Cultivate patience and wisdom.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Welcome to the world of Aquarius, where fun, friendship and fellowship rule. Good news is that you love the creative chaos, inherent unpredictability and cultural camaraderie that energize this unique zodiac month. Join the party and embrace the diversity of who and what comes your way. Love and laughter are found all around. Enjoy the show.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) As the black Moon winds its way toward a fresh, new lunation, take your time, calm your jets and discover the beauty of silence. Romantic rendezvous, sweet kisses and love in general have been themes, opening hearts and illuminating desires. Now it’s time to look within, re-center your psyche and re-embrace the grace of you. Smile, take it sweet and slow.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) Air Aquarius excites the heart, awakens the mind and stimulates the soul of light and lovely Libras. Psyches dance and spirits fly as themes of freedom, justice and liberty resonate throughout the cosmos. Peace and equality, goodness and grace are partners in your play, highly valued and greatly esteemed. Breathe deep, walk in beauty and smile sweetly. Enjoy the joy.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Communication with family and friends, home and hearth are themes as the Aquarius zodiac month begins. Do your best to keep an open mind and heart when it comes to domestic issues and relationships. Cultivate the art of inner calm in the face of emotional tests and turmoil. No feelings are final, and everything passes. Accept change and embrace wisdom.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Increasingly direct rays of the Sun, combined with the free-spirited, light-infused air Aquarius ignites Sagittarian fires, flickering flames of hope and inspiration in soul and psyche. An explorer at heart and warrior in spirit, you are forever seeking treasure via travel and excitement via discovery. Gather maps and study the territory. Forewarned is forearmed.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) The second month of your solar new year perennially arrives with pomp. As if the grandeur and grace of the holidays is not enough! Ha, ha! It’s time to untie your wisdom, embrace the gaiety and enjoy the show. And, like always, someone needs to stay grounded. Hallelujah. Forever in demand, you can show others the way. Turn on the light, bask in the glow.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Candles are lit and cakes are cut as air Aquarius celebrates another revolution around the Sun. Congratulations! Guardian spirits remain in tact, they protect and guide, encourage and inspire. But, you must do your part. Awaken to their presence. Open your heart and mind, practice loving kindness and cultivate basic goodness in yourself and others. Easy does it.
Pisces (Feb. 19-Mar. 20) Saturn retrograde in Scorpio may have you retracing the steps of your spiritual path. When did you first awaken to the light? How old were you when you realized the world was full mystery and magic, unlimited potential and possibility? Consider the quality and commitment of your daily spiritual practice. Perhaps it’s time to uplift and improve it. Why not?
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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