27 Dec 20 New Year’s Resolutions We Can All Do
New Year’s Eve is coming on faster than a freight train, and with it the inevitable list of promises you make to yourself. How did you fare with last year’s list? Will you do better in 2014? SayEducate came up with 20 good intentions everyone can do.
Are you ready to make some resolutions for the new year? The usual ones include losing weight, eating right, exercising more, and taking a vacation to an exotic destination. Good resolutions at that, but there are many more to consider.
Not everyone needs to lose weight or change their eating habits. Most of us, however, can help someone out, learn something new, and review our finances. The following list includes resolutions you can and perhaps should do.
1. Learn a new language.
Expand your linguistic skills to take up a new language. Choose a language that you will use and then plan a trip to where that language is spoken primarily.
2. Take up a musical instrument.
You’ve wanted to play a piano, trumpet, flute (fill in the blank) for some time. Instead of putting it off, resolve to learn a new instrument this coming year.
3. Find your social media balance.
Are you on social media too much? Too little? Or are you sending status reports that no one reads? Be honest with yourself and find the right balance.
4. Take a college course.
Expand your understanding by taking a college course in your chosen field. Or look at a new field and do the same. Audit the course if you do not want college credit.
5. Get a health exam.
With the new health care law in place, you may wonder how the plan works. Start the year off by getting a physical, to create a base line for the year ahead.
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