06 Jan Beauty Spot: Helping Your Skin in Winter 2014
If the holiday partying did not do it, guaranteed winter will – or could, unless you take the proper precautions. I am talking about wreaking havoc on your skin. But here are “10 Things You Need to Start Doing for Your Skin This Winter,” a blog I came across in the Huff Post.
That’s why dermatologist and “Forget the Facelift” author Dr. Doris Day stopped by HuffPost Live to share her top skincare secrets to keep our skin soft and smooth from head to toe.
1. Limit Time In The Tub
While a long, hot bath or shower may seem super appealing after braving the cold, it might not be the best thing for your skin. “You don’t want to wash away the protective oils which help lock moisture in,” says Day. So get clean quickly (we’re talking 15 minutes or less) and opt for warm water when you can stand it.
2. Use A Mild Soap Or Cleanser
‘Tis the season to be gentle! Now is not the time for antibacterial soaps or harsh deodorants that strip away natural moisturizers. Stay away from cleansers with strong ingredients like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid or glycolic acid and reach for those with added oils and fats instead.
Day points out that you don’t have to spend an arm and a leg for anything fancy either because drugstore products like Olay and Dove are great options for any budget. No matter which cleanser you choose, you won’t want to overdo it: Add the soap to a puff or Clarisonic brush and you’ll be able to use less plus get a deep cleansing.
Read on here for more great advice…
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