23 Dec Scrooge & Social Media
Telluride Inside… and Out means the challenges of social media are as much a part of daily life as walking Gina the Dog and flossing. In honor of Christmas, we found lessons from Furlong PR and Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” about communicating in cyberspace.
Dickens’ Christmas Carol, first published in December 1843, is credited with reinventing Christmas as a time of festivity and merriment, of goodwill to all men, re-introducing trees, cards and celebrations to a period previously characterised by sombreness and sobriety.
A Christmas Carol has since become a touchstone of how we should behave, particularly towards our fellow man, over the festive period.
Sadly, a coda for how we should conduct ourselves on social media is still widely lacking in a year where the newspapers have reported a wide range of social misdemeanors from the hilariously incompetent – the tweets of footballers and cricketers for example, to the incredibly sad – the worst cases of teenage bullying.
So here’s my Dickens inspired five point plan on how we can all change our ways and be less Scrooge-like on Social Media in 2014.
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