23 May ALACAZEM 2013.05.23
May 23 to 30, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn
A full Moon lunar eclipse [May 24 @ 10:26 pm MDT] and Mountainfilm in Telluride promises a literally “moving mountains” Memorial Day weekend for all who find themselves in the little town at the end of our rainbow-flooded, magnificently breath-taking, beautiful box canyon. Melting snows, flowing waterfalls, raging rivers, budding aspen and azure mountain bluebirds surround us. Venus, Jupiter and Saturn are evening stars. The wind blows hard and strong from Utah’s hot-heat, red-rock desert as locals, visitors and travelers gather in theatres, parks, restaurants, cafes and auditoriums to view stunning films and discuss outrageous topics.
Many moons have come and gone since the first Telluride Mountainfilm Festival emerged in the summer of 1979. From the hearts and souls of a few rugged, gifted individualists – mountaineers, outdoorsmen, athletes, artists – came a baker’s dozen of hand-crafted films, films that set the stage for decades of earth-centered awakening, environmental enlightenment and true spiritual experience. I think of Bill and Susan Kees, Lito Tejada-Flores, Peter and Ellen Shelton, Yvon Choinard, Royal Robbins, Rick Silverman, Michael Covington, Jeff Campbell…and so many others I didn’t know.
This weekend, Mountainfilm celebrates 35 years of sustainable right action, something few can claim. Congratulations, and special thanks to the pioneers, adventurers, climbers and inventors who carved and placed the stones in this amazingly solid foundation of evolving, evolutionary awareness.
The planets align, the videos roll, the Moon grows full, and here we are. Enjoy the movies, magic and majesty of the Sun, the Moon, the Earth, the planets and the stars. Here’s to the memories – lived, loved, lost and forever playing in the eternal, multi-universal field of the akasha.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) The Gemini-Sagittarius full Moon lunar eclipse quickly follows the third of seven exact Pluto [Capricorn] – Uranus [Aries] squares, amping up the already potent potential of these days, weeks and times. The Ram is especially receptive to this electromagnetism, like a crystalline antennae that picks up, channels and transmits energy and information. Use your power wisely, for your own and other’s good.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) The third of three consecutive eclipses, the May 24th full Moon brings several financially poignant issues and agendas to a head. The May 9th Taurus new Moon marked a major turning point and powerful new beginning for you personally. Immersed in rebirth and crafting plans for the future, you have started a magnificent new life journey. Embrace the power of the present; be here now.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) Hallelujah and happy trails! The May 24th lunar eclipse shines light upon the most important relationships, experiences and issues of your life. Who you are with, what you are doing, how you are feeling and the events that pop up this week are rich with magical clues for solving one of life’s most mysterious puzzles: What is happiness? Smile as answers unfold like a most-cherished novel. Embrace the day.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) No doubt, these last few weeks have been charged with ups and downs, agony and ecstasy. Eclipse windows are perennial experiences of power and passion, enlightenment and epiphany for Moonchildren. The gold is in the experience, how you react to it and, ultimately, what you do with it. Getting what you want depends upon knowing what you want. One good wish does nothing. One good decision changes everything.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) While you may have had a rough start out of the gate a couple weeks back, now you are hitting your stride, off and running for the gold. Hopes, dreams and wishes are in line for fruition. Just keep your mind and heart open, eyes on the road and your feet on the ground. Attitudes of gratitude, positive thinking and healthy living guarantee success. Refrain from egoistic indulgence and hubris. Connect with friends, enjoy life.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) The Taurus lunar month began on May 9th with a powerful solar eclipse. You may have been placed in a position of guru, teacher or saint as the wheel of fortune turned in time with life’s most poignant losses and gains. Understanding the balance between personal power and humility, self-indulgence and helping others, as well as not getting overwhelmed by imperfection, are all keys to success. Do not weaken.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) While Taurus is symbiotically connected to Libra via voluptuous Venus, the truth is that there are always slight adjustments in understanding and accepting the reality versus the ideal. People often let you down, disappoint and surprise you with their unruly, rude or rash behavior. So, what’s new? Why struggle with expectation and disappointment when you can simply enjoy your own magical, miraculous life here on Earth?
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) As the second half of your solar year unwinds, take note of the amazing effect and power you have over your own life. Health and happiness take place within the mind, body, heart and soul. What are you doing to self-nurture your own wealth and well-being? With so many awesome talents and abilities, there are no good reasons or excuses when it comes to using what you have to work with. Enjoy the bounty.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) Happy Gemini-Sagittarius full Moon lunar eclipse! Breathe in the light of la luna as moonbeams dance and spirits rise. You have come full circle and are standing upon the precipice of a brave new world. Your life hopes, dreams and visions have been re-carved and re-created via the magically evolutionary process of experience. Older and wiser, you are now ready to prune the bush and nurture the garden. Go for gold.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) With the third of seven exact Pluto-Uranus squares now under your belt, you are well equipped with tools for understanding the function of these radical feelings, experiences and times. When push comes to shove, it is all about and up to you. Accepting full responsibility for your health, happiness and well-being is the golden key. Success is in knowing the only thing you can possibly change or control is you.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Birth and rebirth take place within the heart and soul. You are a magical miracle of life, living in a magnificent time of great potential and power. And yet, it’s easy to get caught up in all the failures and foibles of humankind’s physical, social and political abuse, neglect, violence and inequity. Your challenge is to embrace the world’s pain and suffering and still cultivate the courage of a warrior. Do not give up on goodness.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Challenges abound, both personally and professionally, and yet you are somehow able to maintain calm within the storm. Clear, concise, efficient means of communication remains a theme this week. Meanwhile, you start seeing the effects of how your personal actions have changed your closest, most cherished relationships and commitments. Follow your intuition and cultivate inner truth.
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