May 2013

[caption id="attachment_30092" align="alignright" width="300"] WWF 2012 group photo[/caption] Telluride's summer festival season is upon us. The Sheridan Arts Foundation celebrates with the 22nd annual Wild West Fest, which runs June 3- June 8. Monday, June 3, 42 disadvantaged youth from the Boys & Girls Clubs of America...

May 30 to June 6, 2013    Visible planets: Morning: none              Evening: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Saturn Our celestial sojourn through three eclipses and the third of seven exact Uranus/Pluto squares over the last six weeks has left me feeling older, wiser and even more aware of the...

Telluride Grown is on Town Council's agenda, 11:00 a.m., Tuesday, June 4. Come and support the initiative. [caption id="attachment_30631" align="alignright" width="300"] Telluride Grown, led by Telluride's own Kris Holstrom and Steve Cieciuch, is a plan to bring an aquaponics-powered greenhouse to Telluride.[/caption] By now you’ve read Susan...

[caption id="attachment_31041" align="alignright" width="300"] PETUNIA[/caption] Editor’s note: It’s no secret. The Telluride region is dog heaven. Unless you are one of our furry friends who gets caught in the maw of neglect and abuse. Then heaven is on hold until Second Chance Humane Society comes to...

Editor's note: John Fitzgerald "Jack" Kennedy (May 29, 1917 – November 22, 1963), often referred to by his initials JFK, was the 35th president of the United States serving from 1961 until his assassination in 1963. Events during his presidency included the Bay of Pigs Invasion,...

But is it art? Today the answer would be met with a raised eyebrow and "of course," but once upon a time, the Metropolitan Museum of Art did not have a department dedicated to the medium. Its cache of extraordinary photographic images rented space in the...

Summing up: [caption id="attachment_31026" align="alignleft" width="300"] Line outside the Sheridan Opera House[/caption] It's tough when the climax comes at the beginning. Memorial weekend is the official kick-off of Telluride's robust summer festival season and Memorial weekend twins with Mountainfilm, an annual gathering of the tribe laser-focused on protecting...

Mountainfilm in Telluride is now in our rear-view mirror as we get ready for another busy Summer schedule. We have put together a 3-minute video to help you remember this informative, stimulating and just plain beautiful weekend (or if you weren't here for the 2013...

Live music, arts and children’s programming at the Sheridan Opera House The Sheridan Arts Foundation, the non-profit organization that owns and operates Telluride’s Sheridan Opera House, is excited to announce its summer 2013 schedule. June through August, there’s something for everyone with free concerts, magic shows,...