May 2013

Conrad Anker to moderate discussion with Tom Hornbein and Jim Whittaker following world premiere of “High and Hallowed” In the spring of 1963, an expedition of American climbers attempted a bold ascent of Mount Everest. Fifty years later, two of the men who reached the...

[caption id="attachment_22122" align="alignright" width="156"] Eric C. Johnson, Primary Care Practice Manager, Board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner[/caption] Many Americans go without the preventive health care needed to stay healthy, avoid or delay the onset of disease, lead productive lives, and reduce health care costs. In fact, often due...

Telluride’s Art + Architecture Weekend is a unique opportunity to explore the distinct art, design, and culinary treasures of Telluride. For three days, artists, chefs, and architects open their doors, offering an insider’s glimpse into the Telluride Creative District’s immense talent. Each day offers a different...

Editor’s note: Rev. Pat Bailey, pastor of Telluride’s Christ Presbyterian Church, takes a developmental and evolutionary view of faith, spirituality, and religious community. Join him for his weekly blog as he explores the ever-changing landscapes of perspectives and consciousness and discusses both the challenges and...

[caption id="attachment_30169" align="alignright" width="263"] Eco-city Tianjin in China[/caption] As self-serving politicians funded by the fossil fuel industry inhibit progress in America, Asian countries are quickly moving towards reducing risk, building resilience, and creating new economic opportunities by abandoning the business-as-usual approach in favor of going green. By...

By the time Veronica Novak holds up a piece of paper and asks if the three other adults are comfortable with “the statement,” we know where this is headed. This moment happens just a few seconds after the lights have come up. The play starts mid-scene...

May 2 to 9, 2013      Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury    Evening: Jupiter, Saturn I don’t know about you, but these last several weeks have been as challenging and transformational as it gets for me. Of course, it makes sense astrologically - we are in the middle of...

Telluride Foundation’s Annual Award Recognizes Exceptional Telluridians. Accepting nominations now. The Telluride Foundation created its Outstanding Citizen award to honor individuals who unselfishly make extraordinary contributions to the quality of life in the region. Nominations are now being solicited from the entire regional community for the...

A visit to a ghost towns, an abandoned building, a forsaken mine, or an archaeological site cannot help but spark our curiosity and raise a long list of questions: What was this place like at its peak? Who were the people who lived or worked...