09 May ALACAZEM 2013.05.09
May 9 to 10, 2013 Visible planets: Morning: none Evening: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn
I’m writing these words just one hour prior to the exact Sun-Moon conjunction of the May 9th New Moon solar eclipse at 19 degrees Taurus. I can feel the magnificent nurturing power of the Mother Earth. Raindrops fall upon our metal roof as brilliant sunrays bathe my shoulders in warm yellow light. To the east, a shimmering rainbow glistens above wide-open, deep green fields, tiny Norwood nestled below the magnificent arc. And even further east, Telluride and its mist-covered mountains lay hidden behind a slate-blue sheet of rain, lost to the eyes of those traveling there.
All day clouds played peek-a-boo with the Sun; the air was rich with the smell of fertility, tulips opened to rain, meadowlarks sang in sunlight, white doves flew across the sky and the world was filled with the promise of renewal and grace.
In a very short time, we will align with the Sun and Moon in the celestial phenomena of a new Moon solar eclipse. Taking place in the first cross-quarter week of the natural year, this new Moon is also sandwiched between two lunar eclipses – both full Moons – and heralds perhaps the most potent and powerful cosmic new beginning of 2013.
For all of us, this is a time to honor the natural world, to honor our bodies and ourselves, our inherent natural resources, our own talents and abilities. It’s a time of personal responsibility and steadfastness, a time to live within the realm of peace and natural abundance. Taurus loves life’s most simple pleasures. May you open your heart to what you have, what you love and what you are. Blessings and peace.
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr. 19) The May 9th new Moon solar eclipse is extra-potent. The Aries new Moon of April 10th opened the door on a new, personal solar year. Birthday celebration time is over. Now it’s time to get serious and realistic about your life and how you show up in it. Taurus energy favors accountability, responsibility and patience. Do the work.
Taurus (Apr. 19-May 20) Patience, perseverance and focus are traditional characteristics of the Bull. This week’s new Moon solar eclipse amplifies these and other Taurean themes. The cosmos favor your inherent, natural abilities. Show up in the most self-responsible and self-authentic ways possible, lead by example and maintain inner calm amidst the chaos of outer force and influences. This year is big, do the very best you can.
Gemini (May 20-June 20) This week’s new Moon solar eclipse portends a powerful year of spiritual development and enlightenment via surrender, forgiveness and compassion. Immerse yourself in nature, accept everything as it is and understand the ultimate folly in attempting to control outcomes. Ego dissolution is a friend and ally on your journey through the forest. Ride the river and go with the flow as you live and let go.
Cancer (June 20-July 22) A series of three eclipses directs cosmic attention to your most cherished hopes, dreams and aspirations. Recognize the difference between fantasy and reality as you identify what you truly desire. Self-authenticity comes via self-honesty and a daily practice of self-care. Cultivate relationships with people who place value on and work in fields of your identified aspirations. Focus on steadfast action and patience.
Leo (July 22-Aug. 22) The May 9th cross-quarter solar eclipse new Moon is extra potent for the Lion as it forces attention and compels change regarding personal, social and professional goals and aspirations. Commitments, significant others, domestic environment, family relationships and individual desire face off in a dynamic dance of will and wisdom. It’s time to re-create your vision of accomplishment. Take your time.
Virgo (Aug. 22-Sep. 22) An enchanting cosmic harmonic resonates throughout the heavens as the Sun and Moon, Mars and Mercury eclipse each other in fellow earth-sign Taurus and initiate an extended period of enhanced perception and understanding regarding physical and spiritual worlds. You are suddenly – and finally – aware of your personal importance in the quality of your life and relationships. Optimism is the golden key.
Libra (Sep. 22-Oct. 22) Libra’s symbiotic relationship with Taurus resounds this week as planetary co-ruler Venus enters airy-fairy Gemini and a powerful solar eclipse awakens a year of metaphysical magic and mystery. Enchanted forests await discovery as you experience the mystical amidst the mundane. Spiritual texts, altered states and separate realities beckon. Seek enlightenment and explore new territory. Practice!
Scorpio (Oct. 22-Nov. 21) The Taurus zodiac month heralds the second half of your solar year, when you leave the familiar territory of the interior and venture out into unfamiliar exterior worlds. Other people, places and things emerge; the Universe offers up multi-faceted jewels of possibility and potential. Examine each opportunity and individual that comes your way. You are beginning a fresh new year of important relationship. Eyes open wide.
Sagittarius (Nov. 21-Dec. 20) The Taurus new Moon solar eclipse vibrates with themes of self-responsibility, self-acceptance and self-improvement. Happiness is an inside job and it all takes place within the heart. The power of choice is magical and awesome. As you stand upon the precipice of deep personal reckoning, gaze into the chasm of the mystical soul. Feel your inherent connection with the cosmos and follow the river of light.
Capricorn (Dec. 20-Jan. 19) The importance of this week and eclipse lunation cannot be overstated when it comes to the expression of your heartfelt truth. Living life in harmony with that truth is essential to your personal liberty and success. A leader and initiator, you are being asked to utilize your natural, inherent creative talents and abilities in the manifestation of a more efficient, effective world. Do your best, follow your heart.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Another cross-quarter day and solar eclipse new Moon heralds a powerful time of personal reckoning and rebirth. Naturally inventive, efficient and resourceful, you may discover that helping yourself actually improves the world. The means of effective change comes from individual efforts and accomplishments. Others see the genius of your perspective and actions. Be the change you want the world to be.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) Communication, in all its shapes and sizes, emerges as your most effective ally this week and upcoming lunar year. The catch is in understanding just how far to go. Others may not understand or have the ability to comprehend your deep-seeing, deep-feeling intuition and understanding. Most people live life on the edge of perception, missing out on what’s really behind the façade. Cultivate boundaries.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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