
Wherethewildthingsare_smallfinal Capitalism_smallposter The Nugget Theatre in Telluride is showing "Where the Wild Things Are" Friday, November 13 through Wednesday, November 18. There are two screenings nightly, plus a matinee on Saturday. "WWTA" is based on the wonderful Maurice Sendak children's book, and the critics have raved about the integration of live characters and the special effects "Things" who are animated (inhabited) by the human actors who provide the voices.

On Thursday, November 19 there will be two showings of Michael Moore's "Capitalism: a Love Story." Moore's films often irritate, but they inevitably make us think.

For showtimes see below. For reviews and trailers, check the Nugget website.

[click "Play" to hear Dr. David Lingle on the concert]

104 At 6 p.m., Saturday, November 14,  the Michael D. Palm Theatre welcomes guests to a beer, wine and champagne reception (cash bar). At 7 p.m., the Telluride Choral Society and artistic director, Dr. David Lingle, join colleagues from The San Juan Symphony and the Durango Choral Society for a second joint MasterWorks Concert. In keeping with the San Juan Symphony’s 2009 season theme, “Once Upon A Time”, this musical collaboration offers the audience a journey through the myths and fairy tales select composers drew upon to create well-known and well-loved works. Specifics on this MasterWorks program are Brahms' "Nänie," Op. 32," and Mahler's "Forest Legend."

Based on a poem by Friedrich Schiller, "Nänie," Op. 82, was composed in memory of Brahms's friend and 19th century German classicist painter Anselm Feuerbach. But "Nänie," comes with a warning label: Enter at your own risk.  Due to the difficulty of the chorale composition, "Nänie,"is one of Brahms's most rarely performed pieces, tackled only by extremely experienced choirs.

Last Thursday, November 5, Telluride's Ah Haa School for the Arts displayed about 50 works of art created by middle and high school students from Telluride, Ridgway, Norwood, Naturita, and the Dolores area, participants in the school's 8th annual Youth Art Award. Judges selected from Ah Haa Art Advisory Committee selected the winners based on originality and strength of the work submitted. Best in show, an honor that also paid $300, went to Jonas Fahnestock for his oil painting entitled "Self Portrait."

[click "Play to listen to Susan's conversation with Arthur Post]

Snapshot 2009-11-13 15-35-33 The San Juan Symphony and the combined choruses of the Telluride Choral Society and the Durango Choral Society present a MasterWorks choral concert, “From The Old Country”,  Saturday, November 14, 7 p.m., following a beer, wine and champagne reception (cash bar), at the Michael D. Palm Theatre. Included in the program are the beautiful albeit professionally daunting Brahms "Nänie, Op. 82," and Mahler’s wildly dramatic "Forest Legend," an early work by the inspired composer.

The artistic director of the Telluride Choral Society, Dr. David Lingle, and his counterpart at the Durango Choral Society, Linda Mack, are charged with prepping the chorus, which involves teaching singers the notes and the German. Arthur Post, now in his eighth season as music director of the San Juan Symphony, conducts.

Cloudywithachanceofmeatballs_200903271022 Lawabidingcitizen_200908111655 Telluride's Nugget Theatre is showing "Law Abiding Citizen" and "Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs" the week of Friday, November 6 through Thursday, November 12, with a free showing of "The Lives of Others" on Thursday. See below for movie times. See the Nugget website for trailers and previews.

"Law Abiding Citizen" stars Jamie Foxx as an assistant DA who accepts a plea bargain from a killer in order to convict the murderer's accomplice. Clyde Shelton (Gerard Butler) witnessed the killing of his wife and daughter and takes matters into his own hands when the killer is released fro prison after ten years. That's when things get interesting. Rated R for violence.

Grooms, 2009, Dancing, Marlborough Chelsea (1) Telluride Inside... and Out's stories about our very memorable day in Chelsea continue with a recap of our visit to the Marlborough Chelsea Gallery, 545 West 25th Street, to see an exhibit of monumental sculptures by Red Grooms. Why we went has everything to do with jonesing for the child-like wonder of the artist's work, cosmic connections, Telluride, and our dear friend Stephen Wald.

Grooms, 2009, Dancing, Marlborough Chelsea (4) Stephen Wald died that very same Thursday, October 22, after a long battle against Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia. I suspect his passing happened close to the time a group of us went to the Marlborough to celebrate our friend, a successful businessman, philanthropist, accomplished athlete, photographer, and art lover/collector, because Clint and I knew Red Grooms held a special place in Stephen's life: specifically by a window in the entry hall of the elegant Aldasoro home he shared with his beloved wife Sheila, also a collector.

Zombieland_smallposter Couplesretreat_smallposter2 Telluride's Nugget Theatre is showing "Couples Retreat" and "Zombieland" the week of Friday, October 30-Thursday, November 5.

"Couples Retreat" (Rated PG 13) takes place in Bora Bora. Couple 1 is having some marital difficulties and for reasons of economy talks Couples 2-4 into joining the fun. Everyone gets therapy, as it turns out. And even the "happy" couples need it.

I won't say too much about "Zombieland" (Rated R for zombie violence) except to quote Roger Ebert: "...not many zombie comedies can make me think simultaneously about 'Psycho' and 'Garfield.'" He liked the movie, by the way.

See below for showtimes and the Nugget website for trailers and reviews.

Telluride will have the opportunity to see some Shakespeare tonight, October 29. The Aquila Theatre Company is bringing the Forest of Arden to the Palm Theatre stage in a single performance of "As You Like It."The romantic comedy is built on mistaken identities,...

IMGP0683 Blue Lake Pass, on the south shoulder of the Telluride region's Mount Sneffels, is a narrow, sharp saddle between Gilpin Peak and Mount Sneffels, with rocky ridges extending off each mountain. The view to the West is into the Mount Sneffels Wilderness Area; to the northeast, to Teakettle Mountain and  little Coffeepot Mountain. East access is via wildflower-filled Yankee Boy Basin on this favorite local hike.

"Blue Lake Pass" is one of three large-scale environmental installations by part-time Telluride area local, artist/architect Maya Lin, selected from her recent traveling museum exhibition Systematic Landscapes.

Telluride Inside... and Out happened into the show on a visit to Chelsea last Thursday, October 22.