“Who Killed Jim Clark?” Murder Mystery Theatre at Telluride’s Museum

“Who Killed Jim Clark?” Murder Mystery Theatre at Telluride’s Museum

2010-02-19 Jim Clark Poster It’s a night at the museum – but not that town, not that actor, and not that movie. In 1895, Jim Clark,”the toughest man in Telluride,” was murdered on Colorado Ave. Who offed him? What events led to Jim’s dramatic demise?

The Telluride Historical Museum is throwing itself a party, a hair-raising fun-raiser. Get yourself tricked out in period garb, feast on appetizers, and sip wine as this local murder mystery unravels before your eyes.

Become a Museum member and join the in-crowd for another night of merriment and mayhem. (I know: does sound a lot like the film, but promise, no dinosaur skeletons will be doing a jig. Only skeletons on hand tomorrow night are the ones the baddies stashed in the closet.) Call 728-3344×2 for details.

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