
Princeofpersia_smallposter Thesecretofkells_smallposter For the week of Friday, July 2 through Thursday, July 8 Telluride's Nugget Theatre is presenting two movies, "The Secret of Kells" and "Prince of Persia."

"The Secret of Kells" was nominated for an Oscar as Best Animated Feature. We have come to think of animation as a 3D concept, but properly done, flat drawings can engage at least as well as the "Transformer" variety. From the trailers, I would say that "Kells" does that. The art work is beautiful: Remember "The Man Who Planted Trees"? That movie was what I thought of when I watched the clips of "The Secret of Kells." The story is about a young Irish monk and a magical book, a hero's quest, and is rated PG.

Another hero's quest, a magical dagger, a rogue prince, a mysterious princess (always about to be kissed), the sands of time: "Prince of Persia" promises plently of action, a fair amount of violence, and is rated PG13. Your Gameboy playing 14 year old will probably love it.

See the Nugget website for trailers and reviews, and below for showtimes.

[to hear BBHC's Sam Andrew talking to Susan, click "Play"]

BBHCoriginalnologos Telluride's Sheridan Opera House welcomes Janis Joplin's original band to town. Big Brother & The Holding Company are performing live concert at the historic venue on Friday, July 2. Show time is 8 p.m. Doors and box office, 7:30 p.m. (Stop by the Sheridan Opera House courtyard from 5-8pm just prior to the show for a free Gala Premiere and Silent Auction, featuring paintings created by artists attending Telluride Plein Air’s 7th Annual Celebration of Outdoor Painting.  Complementary wine sampling and snacks provided.)

Janis Joplin brought her big, bad, bluesy voice from the red dirt of Texas to San Francisco, when "The Haight" was the heart of the drugs, sex and rock 'n roll flower child days of the 1960s. Virtually overnight, thanks to a man named Chet Helms, she went from drifter to a superstar universally described as "the greatest white urban blues and soul singer of her generation." That is, thanks to Helms and the band he managed, Big Brother & The Holding Company, which became Joplin's surrogate family.

by Lauren Metzger
Marketing & Exhibitions Manager
Ah Haa School for the Arts

[click "Play" to hear Lauren's conversation with Brooke Ahana]



Every now and then, if you are lucky, people come into your life who inspire you. Brooke Ahana is one of those people for me. She reminds me to have fun. Fun in life. In my work. In painting.

As a Los Angeles artist, Brooke Ahana has been leaving the big city and spending her last 7 summers in Telluride, CO inspiring kids and adults alike at the Ah Haa School for the Arts. An impassioned visiting artist instructor, Brooke teaches a variety of workshops for kids of all ages. From Portraits with Personality to Abstract Expressionism, Brooke covers the gamut and pushes her students to learn, explore and believe in their creativity (a woman after our own Ah Haa heart).

SHORTS AND STUDENT FILMS DEADLINE: JULY 1, 2010FEATURES DEADLINE: JULY 15, 2010Telluride Film Festival, a four-day international event celebrating the art of film, plays host to a selection of feature length and short films. Considered one of the world’s leading showcases for foreign and domestic...

Gethimtothegreek_smallposter Poster The Nugget Theatre in Telluride is showing two movies during the week of Friday, June 25 through Thursday, July 1.

The early movie each evening is "Marmaduke" when the kiddies are still up. Adults can probably have a good time too if they can get their heads around computer-generated mouth movements to illustrate the animals' talking. The movie is rated PG, probably for the inclusion of bodily function gags on the part of the dogs.

The title "Get Him to the Greek" refers to the task a nerd has to make sure a down-spiraling rock star gets to L.A.'s Greek Theatre for his comeback concert. Naturally there are substance abuse, rock 'n' roll groupies, the normal things a rock star gofer is likely to encounter. Roger Ebert says the level of humour recalls "Hangover" and there probably are reasons the movie gets an R rating.

See below for movietimes and the Nugget website for trailers and reviews.

[click "Play" to hear Michelle Curry Wright talk about her Wine Festival poster]

Web poster image wine fest Michelle Curry Wright is one of the faces regulars see when they visit the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art. She has worked at the gallery for six of the 25 years the must-visit art emporium has been in business. But what you see at the front desk is not all that you get.

Michelle Curry Wright is also a fine artist in the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art's stable and this year, the poster artist for the 29th annual Telluride Wine Festival. The original mixed media painting for the Festival poster is on display throughout the weekend at the Gallery, 130 East Colorado Avenue, open for bids through a silent auction. (Some of the proceeds from the sale go the the Tellluride Wine Fest.) Michelle signs poster, $25 each, during Friday's Toast of Telluride, 4 – 6 p.m.
[click "Play" to hear Lauren Metzger's debut effort podcasting with Telluride Inside... and Out.]

by Lauren Metzger
Marketing & Exhibitions Director
Ah Haa School for the Arts

IMG_5431 If you are anything like me, you go into every journey gung-ho on documenting the amazing and crazy experiences you will have; the sights, the smells, the people, the food...I last about 3 days of journaling my thoughts and observations in a small book before it becomes boring and confining. So when Laura Kudo, traveler extraordinare, proposed a travel journaling 2-night workshop at the Ah Haa School, I was first in line to sign up.

[click "Play" for Adam Neiman's conversation with Susan]

Photo 32 The gravitational center of the Telluride Musicfest, June 23 – July 3, is the founding trio, The Trio Solisti: cellist Alexis Pia Gerlach, pianist Jon Klibonoff, and the event's artistic director, violinist Maria Bachmann. The group is renowned worldwide for sterling technical chops and no-holds-barred passion and lyricism. They play as one with perfect complicity.

"The most exciting piano trio in America," raved The New Yorker.

Like the Telluride Playwrights Festival, Telluride Musicfest is not a high profile event on Telluride's summer Festival calender: except like the heavies – Mountainfilm in Telluride and Telluride Film Festival – both attract world class talent. Case in point for Musicfest, pianist Adam Neiman. Adam joins Maria and the Trio for the 8th annual four-concert series: "From Russia with Love."