
 This long weekend, Friday – Monday, February 4 – February 7, 6 p.m.,Telluride's Sheridan Arts Foundation's Young People's Theater company presents an encore performance of the 1930s period masterpiece, "Anything Goes."

With this her latest production of the Cole Porter hit, director Jen Julia is clearly playing a game of "Can You Top (Hat) This?"

Back in 2002, Jen's original adaptation of the Broadway musical hit was, well, "a Picasso painting, a Bendel's bonnet, a Shakespeare sonnet, Mickey Mouse." The best. It too featured an abundantly talented group of 30 local teens, 9th – 12th graders, singing, dancing and jiving. And yet, of the 2011 incarnation of "Anything Goes," Jen exclaims:

 Telluride's Palm Theatre venue for Ailey II, Thursday, February 3

“The entire company looks terrific. Clearly, the future is theirs.” The New York Times

In Telluride, if I say "Revelation," you say, "Bowl." It's all about high-alpine powder surrounded by 13,000-foot+ peaks. Mostly right – just not this time. This time "Revelations" refers to a peak dance experience, a jubilant, soul-stirring suite that is easily one of the most uplifting ballets in the modern dance repertoire.

"Revelations" is a tribute to the cultural heritage of African Americans and to the genius of a man named Alvin Ailey, Jr. (1931 – 1989). Ailey, an African American modern dancer, teacher and choreographer, founded the world-famous Alvin Ailey Dance Theater, one of our country's boldest and most exciting troupes.

Announcing:  2011 Winter Puppet Program for San Miguel County Elementary Schools:

Paddy the Paleontologist with his library

The Watershed Education Program Puppet Theater of the Telluride Institute is entering its 4th season with exciting new additions to its repertoire. We have been rehearsing, working on our stage, and making some new puppets such as "Paddy the Paleontologist" who tells the story of the dinosaur bones recently discovered on Norwood Hill. The puppeteers include Ashley Boling, Sally Davis, Jeb Berrier, Laurie Lundquist, and Colin Sullivan. Buff Hooper has been working behind the scenes with Sally and Laurie on props and puppets. We will be performing up and down the watershed in various schools and libraries with the goal of educating and entertaining. It will be lots of fun!

The basic concepts of watershed awareness are introduced in simple ways that form a foundation for childrens’ later participation in our Watershed Education Program (WEP). The real stars of these shows are the animals and insects of the watershed. When you come to a show you are likely to meet a bear, a coyote, a beaver, a cricket, an eagle, and even a mosquito! All of these wild creatures have a point of view; we can learn a lot by listening to them interact. The dynamics of our watershed are rich and complex. It is good to hear about this place from the horse's mouth… and the dog's bark and the cricket's chirp…!

Our fun filled puppet shows for the 2011 season include :

Thevoyageofthedawntreader_smallposter Telluride's Nugget Theatre is showing "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader" (PG) the week of Friday, January 28- Thursday, February 3. Based on the Narnia tales of C.S. Lewis, this time the entry point of the parallel universe is a painting, and the adventures of our young protagonists take place on the sailing vessel, The Dawn Treader.

Thefighter_smallteaser The second movie for the week is "The Fighter", (rated R), set in a gritty Lowell, Mass. in the 1990s. The movie tell the story of half brothers Micky Ward and Dickie Eklund in the fight game. Dickie is messed up on drugs, a has-been fighter training the younger Micky. Based on a true story, "The Fighter" earns its R rating on all counts, but both the critics and the audiences have praise for the movie.

See below for movie times and the Nugget website for reviews and trailers.


kicker: Mountainfilm in Telluride opens the week with Monday screenings

Gallery4_sm Mountainfilm in Telluride is sometimes in Telluride and only sometimes in May. Mountainfilm on Tour conducts programs around the country throughout the year. There were recent Mountainfilm special events in Aspen and at New York's Lincoln Center. This week, it's Mountainfilm in Telluride at the five-star Wilkinson Public Library. The FREE program is scheduled for Monday, January 24. Doors at 5 :30 p.m. and films at 6 p.m.

The program for Mountainfilm in Telluride at the Wilkinson Public LIbrary is as follows:

[click "Play", Todd Altschuler talks about Telluride Jazz Celebration events]

kicker: Streaming Toubab Krewe 1/25

Tk2 Jazz is a uniquely American musical idiom that has no reason – or season. To prove the point, the Telluride Jazz Celebration plans to celebrate year 'round, not just over one memorable August weekend.

Starting on Tuesday, January 25, 10 p.m., the Telluride Jazz Celebration presents Live from the Llama webcasts, concerts designed to give music lovers around the globe a chance to enjoy sounds emanating from our box canyon. The first featured group is Toubab Krewe.

Gulliverstravels_smallteaser2 Yogibear_smallteaser Telluride's Nugget Theatre is showing two movies for the week of Friday, January 21 through Thursday, January 27, plus a Telluride Film Festival presentation of "Fair Game" at 8:30 pm on January 27.

Avaricious politicians, rapacious developers, a pair of cartoon bears- those of a certain age will remember the antics of Yogi, the pic-a-nik basket-stealing bear and his timid sidekick, Boo Boo. The shtick may be a little tired, but your kids will love it. "Yogi Bear" is rated PG.

"Gulliver's Travels" (PG) is not Jonathan Swift, but it does have Lilliputians and a protagonist, in this case Lemuel Gulliver, mail clerk to travel writer to hero to little people. And the little people should enjoy it.

Naomi Watts is Valerie Plame and Sean Penn is her husband Joe Wilson in "Fair Game" (PG13) portrayal of the Bush administration's betrayal of Plame to discredit her husband in the run-up to the Iraq war.

See below for movietimes and the Nugget website for previews and trailers.

[click "Play", Chris Hanson talks with Susan about making "Scrapple"]

kicker: "...Babe on Acid...," New York Times


87 On Thursday, January 20, the Telluride Historical Museum presents "Scrapple," with co-writer/director Chris Hanson. The screening complements the Museum's winter exhibit: "The 1970s: Makin' It Work." A wine and cheese reception takes place at The Museum, 6 – 8 p.m. (ish), followed by a screening at The Nugget at 8:30 p.m.

In 1998, the guest list for Mountainfilm in Telluride included new kid on the block, ethnobotanist/author Wade Davis, as well as photographer Galen Rowell. Among the featured films were "Puma: Lion of the Andes," "Bhutan: The Last Shangri-La," "Windhorse" – and "Scrapple."

 by Tracy Shaffer

Image002 When the Denver Theatre District launched its Outdoor Art Gallery in September of 2009 it offered a means to showcase Denver’s prestigious artists, galleries and institutions, in an effort to raise the profile of our local arts community. During the first year the city was gifted by the works of Vance Kirkland, Riva Sweetrocket, Mel Strawn, Bill Amundson, and Angela Beloian along with others from Denver’s creative talent pool. Two-dimensional artwork is a bit of a rarity in public display which generally favors large-scale sculpture; mosaic and mural being the exceptions.

This year, the DTD decided to “push the limits” a bit with its recent offering, “Faces of Colorado Art”, discretely placed on the back side of the Ellie Caulkins Opera House at 14th Street and Champa. The project, curated by Plus Gallery owner, Ivar Zeile, is a large-scale quilt of portraiture, representing the influential people who’ve put the “thrive” in our thriving visual arts scene. Faces of independent, gallery, and museum collected artists, sit squarely next to one another. Including the faces of art dealer, Michelle Mosko, artist and RiNo founder/director, Tracy Weil and Denver Art Museum Director, Christoph Heinrich, brings these sometimes disparate streams together as one.