
[click "Play" to hear Susan's conversation with Bob Schneider]


Bob-Schneider_picnik Telluride's Sheridan Arts Foundation opens the 20th annual Wild West Fest with a kick-off concert featuring alternative country artist Bob Schneider. Show time is Sunday, June 5, 8 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Wild West Fest mentorship programs.

The son of an opera singer, Schneider moved with his parents to Germany at age two. He learned to play guitar and piano as a young boy. His first live gigs were guest appearances at his parents' shindigs.

by Jim Bedford

Wiigapatow_poster MV5BMTQzMDU3NDEwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTI3MDU0NA@@._V1._SY317_CR0,0,214,317_ The Nugget Theatre in beautiful downtown Telluride shows movies all year long and screens two films all this coming week. Spring has sprung in Telluride.

Friday through Thursday, June 3-9, the Nugget stays literary with Sara Gruen's wonderful WATER FOR ELEPHANTS, starring Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson and Christoph Waltz. We also get girls-behaving-badly all week with BRIDESMAIDS, as Saturday Night Live's Kristen Wiig and Maya Rudolph show the ladies can HANGOVER as well as the guys.

See the Nugget website for trailers and reviews, and below for movie times.

[click "Play" to listen to Susan's conversation with Robert Lemler]


kicker: Lemler teaches "Light & the Figurative Subject in Oil"

Nude Telluride's Ah Haa School continues its summer immersions program with an intensive in "Light & the Figurative in Oil." The class is scheduled for Thursday, July 7 –  Sunday, July 10. The instructor is Robert Lemler.

We hold these truths to be self evident.... Art and light became twins at the end of the 19th century with the emergence of the Impressionists, but throughout art history, artists have used light to direct the eye of the viewer. Rembrandt, for instance, routinely lit eyes, the windows of the soul, and hands. Vermeer transformed light into dots, blobs and dashes of white paint that danced in the foreground of his paintings, suggesting the eye land here or there. (And then go goofy about the details in the overall image.) 

By Lauren Metzger

Ahhaa_june Hello Telluride. Though the weather does not reflect it, the summer season is starting! The Ah Haa School has quite the lineup this summer of dynamic local artist exhibitions, both in Daniel Tucker Gallery and our East Gallery. I am proud to announce that this June we will be featuring the photography of Carl Marcus and the oil paintings of Susan McCormick. Both will remind you of the beauty this amazing region holds and that spring is coming!

Carl Marcus has a true talent for capturing nature's awe-inspiring beauty. A constant supporter of the Ah Haa School, I was first introduced to Carl while working on my first auction several years ago. He had donated one of his "magical landscapes" and it did indeed take my breath away. When I asked him about how he is able to capture this beauty, he replied, "The images try to recreate the aspect of vast spaces in unfolding nature that literally take away ones breath; and attempt to convey them to others; not so much the detail, but the underlying immensity of the micro and macro." He added that always having his camera with him and being open to what is happening around him, are the times that those images present themselves and he is able to capture and share them with everyone. Thank you Carl, for being open! Other current works will be displayed with these magical landscapes. Which by the way will be 5 foot images. This is a show not to be missed!

By Jon Lovekin

(Editor's note: One of the pleasures in publishing Telluride Inside... and Out is getting to know new  [to us] writers. Susan and I independently ran across Jon Lovekin on Twitter. She took the next step, checked out his writing, liked what she saw and asked if he would be interested in contributing to TIO. Herewith, another article from Jon.)

Chelsea Chelsea saved my life.

It was January in Boulder, Colorado and approaching 20 below zero. We lived in an old barn converted into a house sometime in the '30s or '40s. It was on a large plot of land two blocks in from Canyon Boulevard not far from the east end of the then new Boulder Mall. My roommates were in the trades and we had a lively bunch at the house each morning around 7 am discussing the coming day's work and drinking coffee. I was rarely at my best at that hour as I was merely a student at the University and typically got home well after midnight from my geology study group.

By J James McTigue

The Baffin Babes are four rad chics with whom it would be fun to have a beer, go dancing, or ski tour 1200 kilometers in the Canadian Arctic over 80 days. Except you weren’t invited on the ski trip; they chose to do it all on their own.

Babes Swedish sisters Vera and Emma Simonson, along with Norwegian friends Inga Tollefson and Kristin F. Olsen spent 80 days traveling along the eastern coast of Baffin Island, the largest island in Canada and the fifth largest island in the world.

At Mountainfilm in Telluride they will be presenting their trip, the glacial scenery, and remote Inuit villages they visited, as well as the fun they had, in a multimedia presentation at 6:45 Friday night at the Sheridan Opera House and 9:30 a.m. Monday at the Palm. (Palm showing is free to the public).

Brakes On the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, about the time the Gulf oil spill was about to capped, Drew Ludwig decided to take a walk. A long walk. In August 2010, he traveled by foot 120 miles from the Ninth Ward of New Orleans to the Gulf of Mexico.

"I went to help. I went to work. I held lofty goals of an activist, and I wanted to use my hands."

And so he did, his hands and his unerring eye, recording images with his camera of people and places encountered along the way. Drew's motivation: break down the idea of "The Other," a complex concept lifted from the social sciences that defines the process by which individuals and groups create distance between themselves and those who do not seem to fit easily and comfortably into their cloistered worlds.

[click "Play" to hear Susan's conversation with Judith and Richard]


kicker: trash to treasure

MickysMonkeyWeb October 5, 2010, the Town of Telluride passed an ordinance against single-use plastic shopping bags, making Telluride the first community in the state of Colorado to pass such a ban. 

The ordinance followed the popularity of the film "Bag It," made by Telluride local Suzan Beraza. "Bag It," which screened on National Public Television in April and garnered awards  at film festivals across the country, became as much a call-to-action as a documentary, not just locally, but nationally.

"Bag It" is  just one of a number of populist responses to another film, the Sixties pop phenomenon "The Graduate," a movie that predicted a future of plastics. Artists Judith Selby Lang and Richard Lang's work represents another kind of response. They make "found art."

by Jim Bedford

MV5BMTQzMDU3NDEwN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTI3MDU0NA@@._V1._SY317_CR0,0,214,317_The Nugget Theatre in beautiful downtown Telluride shows movies all year long and hosts a great MountainFilm festival over the weekend before getting back to our regular movie schedule on Monday.

Monday, May 30 through Thursday, June 2, the Nugget gets all literary with the film of Sara Gruen's wonderful WATER FOR ELEPHANTS, starring Reese Witherspoon, Robert Pattinson and Christoph Waltz. Love and the circus; what more do you need!

See the Nugget website for trailers and reviews, and below for movie times.

Friday, May 27
     MOUNTAINFILM   970-728-4123

[click "Play" to hear Susan's conversation with Tosh and Oscar]


Shakespeare Like the Telluride Film Festival, Mountainfilm in Telluride vets hundreds of movies submitted by hopeful directors from across the globe to select the best of the best to screen at its annual event. This year, festival director David Holbrooke whittled down the number of picks to about 60 features, including "Shakespeare High."

"Shakespeare High" is a feature-length documentary that tells the story of a socio-economic cross-section of teens in Southern California who study Shakespeare to compete in a drama festival run by the many thousand-strong volunteer teacher organization, DTASC (Drama Teachers Association of Southern California). The Festival, now 90 years old, counts among its alumnae Val Kilmer, Richard Dreyfuss, Mare Winningham, Sally Field, Nicolas Cage and Kevin Spacey. Spacey is also an executive producer (through Trigger Street) of the film.