
Editor’s note: Author/poet/recently retired teacher-writing instructor David Feela is a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out. His latest book, “How Delicate These Arches: Footnotes from the Four Corners,” a collection of essays, is available at Between the Covers Bookstore and is up for a...

Speaking just for me, I want, no I need, more creative moments in my life. Those moments that feed my soul and bring a smile to my heart. Whether it's designing Ah Haa School's new summer catalog, creating dresses for the Telluride AIDS Benefit, or...

Editor's note: Mountainfilm's Reading Frenzy, themed, "Conversations through Lenses and Pens," takes place Sunday, May 27, 2 – 4 p.m., at the Between the Covers Bookstore "annex," the Telluride High School Cafeteria. It’s that time of year: stacks and stacks of boxes show up on...

Beloved a capella group to perform Wednesday, May 23, Ah Haa School for the Arts How to make your heart sing? Heartbeat, an eight woman a cappella group, performs a host of fun tunes, Wednesday, May 23, at the Ah Haa School for the Arts. Included...

Editor's note: With Mountainfilm in Telluride fast approaching – the Festival takes place over Memorial Weekend – the preservation of the earth and all things endangered, species, cultures and ideas, becomes an even more compelling notion. Mountainfilm guests don't just pay lip service to the...

Editor's note: The timing is perfect. A 3-part workshop about achieving goals with civility – an inflated version of  the theme of the carrot, not the stick idea – with Mountainfilm in Telluride just around  the corner. Mountainfilm is known to shine a spotlight on...

Editor's Note: Our Tall Tales contributor, Mark Stevens, is the author of "Antler Dust" and "Buried by the Roan." "Buried by the Roan" is a finalist for the 2012 Colorado Book Award. Both books are the shelves at Telluride's own Between the Covers Bookstore, 224...

Editor’s note: Kierstin Bridger is the 2011 winner of Telluride Arts’ Mark Fischer Poetry Prize and a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out She joins our family of wonderful writers/poets, among them, Word Woman Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, “Feelosophy” major David Feela, and Denver-based writer...

Editor’s note: In 2011, for the fourth time in a row (and running), the Library Journal Index of Public Library Services, a public library rating system, designated Telluride’s Library a five-star institution. The Wilkinson Public Library ranked fifth in the nation among public libraries with...

Editor's note: Happy Mothers' Day. Poet/author David Feela sums up with the following tribute. His point: It is not necessarily about having it all. It is about doing it all, seamlessly and without fanfare. A mother's gallery of quotidian moments is rich with fine art. The...