
Ed. note: Obviously the editor was asleep. Thanks to Jumpin' Jan for pointing out the LLB is at Sheridan Opera House on March 7, not 2/7. Hey Telluride: the ski season is winding down for another year, and with it the music scene is closing in...

Event is a double-header, Monday and Tuesday nights, 5:30 p.m. Drumroll please. This is the grand finale of the Ciao Cinema! segment of Cinematheque, a cinema club and joint venture between the Telluride Film Festival and the five-star Wilkinson Public Library. The six-part Italian series, programmed...

JWAIL performs tonight, starting at 9 p.m. If you were lucky enough to be in the crowd that heard Yo Mama's Big Fat Booty Band play at last year's Telluride Blues & Brews Festival that should have provided enough motivation to come back for a second...

Here at the Ah Haa School for the Arts, we are gearing up for the end of the ski season with two exhibits featuring the work of three strong and immensely talented local women. Each has her own views and perceptions of the world around...

First of all, what a great celebration of the book the 2012 Oscars were, eh? Six of the nine most nominated films were adapted from books we love to recommend. We like to say “never judge a book by its movie” but this year’s films...

Telluride Arts in Telluride, Colorado, invites submissions to the 14th annual Mark Fischer Poetry Prize to be be judged by Kierstin Bridger. The prize is named in the memory of Telluride’s much-loved poet, lawyer, skier, and raconteur. Mark Fischer was a daring experimenter who combined a...

Having Tim O’Brien play solo at the Sheridan Opera House is like having a favorite uncle over for supper. You know; the one with the goofy jokes, clad in well-loved corduroy pants and a smile as warm as cornbread right out of the oven. He’s...

Regardless of who goes home with the gold at this year's Oscars tomorrow night, the winner is the buzzmeister extraordinaire: the Telluride Film Festival. The directors of the Telluride Film Festival, first founders Bill and Stella Pence, and now Tom Luddy, also a co-founder, with Gary...

Experience the yoga of photography with storyteller Memphis Barbree, whose biography also describes an adventurer, Reiki master, student of Mother Nature , and yogi. One definition of yoga (out of Desikachar's "The Heart of Yoga") is any action done with uninterrupted, undivided attention. In her upcoming...

Imagine the sound if a D-flawless diamond could sing. Or Baccarat crystal. Or a Colorado blue sky after a cold front has passed through. Or a mountain spring after snow melt. After 50+ years, the crystalline voice has lost none of its legendary clarity: Judy...