21 Sep ALACAZEM 2012.09.20
September 20 to 27, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Venus and Jupiter Evening: Mars and Saturn
Autumn Equinox – September 22, 2012 – a day of celestial equilibrium and balance, a time for looking at our own lives as we live them here on Earth and balancing what we see with the eternal mystery and magic of the cosmos.
Life and eternity, chaos and creation, the finite and infinite; the cosmic perspective in all its magnificent, metaphysical glory. It is here we intuit the inherent humility of the human experience, its fragility and grace, the unfathomable miracle of birth delivered with the unquestionable certainty of death. What is our purpose, why are we here?
As the final days of summer surrender to the first glorious days of autumn, take note of what goes on inside you. Do the changing colors and morphing landscapes touch something deep, stir your soul, inspire your spirit and awaken your heart? Are you also being called upon to transform and change, shape-shift with the seasons and relinquish all illusions of control? The Sun and Moon are rising and setting directly east and west. The hours of light and dark are equal. The air is cooler, the mornings crisp. We cannot stand in the way of natural cycles, but must become one with them. After all, we are the ocean and the sea, the sand, surf and sunshine. We are peaks and valleys, rivers and rain. The Moon pulls the tides and keeps time with the Sun. The stars speak of our cosmic origins, call to our eternal soul and immutable spirit. We are all and nothing, the alpha and the omega, the end and the beginning.
Happy Autumn and may your Earth Walk be tempered with the stellar beauty and boundless bounty of our ever-expanding, forever changing Universe. Peace, joy and starlight…onward, Cosmic Traveler!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) The Sun enters Libra on Sept. 23rd and initiates the season of autumn. This begins the second half of your solar year, when you move from an intensely personal focus to one that includes others. It is a time of relating, sharing and pairing. A time to consider alternative perspectives, opinions and approaches. Practice listening and cultivate balance.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20) Autumn Equinox takes place this week, and with it comes some rather deep, emotional and spiritual shifts. You may see just how impossible it is to control what other people think, feel and do. Once again, it is leadership by example, and attraction rather than promotion. Inner peace comes via inner work, self-improvement and right action. Keep it clean.
Gemini (May 21-June 21) Generous, good-luck, good-fortune planet Jupiter in mid-Gemini continues to open doors of opportunity and growth as autumn begins. This is an influence that will continue for months, one that promises to open your mind and heart to the many-faceted possibilities of the ever-expanding universe. Go in directions that feel good. Follow the light.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) Voluptuous Venus in passionate Leo and jovial Jupiter in joking Gemini may have you spinning the wheel when it comes to love and romance. Not quite sure who is sincere and who is not? Take time for yourself, commune with nature and listen to what your heart says. This is a week and season of personal self-authority and direction. Follow inner truth.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22) Others find you sweet and attractive now, don’t let them down. Venus in your sign encourages personal balance and equanimity when it comes to others. Identify the positive aspects of your relationships and focus on solutions rather than problems. Negotiations and settlements are favored now, as you can see both sides of issues and situations. Maintain the peace.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22) Autumn celebrates and honors the Virgo goddess of harvest with its cornucopia of color, fruit and produce. As the zodiac month of your personal solar year begins, take the bull by the horns and ride it to the bell. Pat yourself on the back for jobs well done and recognize the awesome power of personal choice. Show up and suit up. The time is now.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22) As Saturn winds its way through the last degrees of Libra, you may feel its powerful hand on your proverbial shoulder. These last few years have been far from easy. Losses, realizations and actual physical changes are part and parcel of this transit. You have emerged as a more practical, mature and competent version of what you were. Congratulations. It’s real.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22) Sensitive, sensuous and emotional might describe how you feel as the Sun moves from virginal Virgo in to light-loving Libra. Autumn evokes both soul and spirit for the Scorpion. Changing leaves and seasons stir energies in a metamorphic pot of mutation and transformation. Embrace the inner god or goddess and dance with the divine. You are wild and free.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20) Ruler Jupiter in Gemini, your solar 7th house of important others continues broadening the limits of your relationships and commitments. It’s a joyful dance of interaction and expansion. Keep an open heart and mind when it comes to sharing, pairing and exploring partnership. Whether it’s for a day or a year, you are ready to join force. Go for goodness.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19) Friends and associates may push and pull you toward goal achievement or group involvement. Whatever the manifestation, this is an excellent time to pursue your dreams and aspirations. Seek out people whom you admire and respect, want to be like or hold in high esteem. We become like the energy we surround ourselves by, so make sure it is good.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18) Sandwiched between numinous Neptune in Pisces and transformational Pluto in Capricorn, your Aquarian Sun is influenced by the powerful forces of heaven and hell. Whether it’s demonic force or angelic presence, maintain your equilibrium and focus on goodness, gratitude and grace. Life is all about choices. Take your time and make the right ones.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20) We all suffer losses. How we deal with these losses is what makes all the difference. It is not what happens to us that determines our character, our experience, our karma and our destiny, but how we relate to what happens. With Neptune in Pisces, loss and lack of control are poignant. Simply know that it’s how you handle it that counts.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living on a high mountain mesa 40 miles west of Telluride. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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