
Editor's note: Pat Bailey, pastor of Telluride's Christ Presbyterian Church, continues with his exploration of Spirituality with Religion. While this installment is not exactly a traditional tribute to Mother's Day, it is a tribute to the mother of us all: Mother Nature. His insistence on...

The Independent Publishers Association awarded Telluride-based author R.J. (Bob) Rubadeau the Bronze Medal for Fiction in the Mountain West Region of the United States for his recently published (Beacon Hill, 2012) "The Fat Man: A Telluride Murder Mystery." The prestigious international competition celebrates the Best...

Editor's note: In 2011, for the fourth time in a row (and running), the Library Journal Index of Public Library Services, a public library rating system, designated Telluride’s Library a five-star institution. With an overall score of 2,471 based on patron use per capita in...

Editor’s note: Author/poet/recently retired teacher-writing instructor David Feela is a regular contributor to Telluride Inside… and Out. His latest book, “How Delicate These Arches: Footnotes from the Four Corners,” a collection of essays, is available at Between the Covers Bookstore and is up for a...

Shawna Moore is an established professional painter and encaustic artist, with important work exhibited nationally in galleries and regional museums. Recently, Shawna became part of Will Thompson's stable of fine artists at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art, where her work can now be seen...

Ahh yes, off season is here. One of the nicest possible times of the year in Telluride occurs every April when at least half the town disappears to Mexico, Costa Rica, the Bahamas and pretty much every place in between. The school shuts down not...

Mother's Day: Kids and kids-at-heart are invited to attend the 5th Annual Children's Film Festival. Show time is Sunday, May 13, 4 p.m., at the Michael D. Palm Theatre. The program, produced by the Telluride Film Festival, is FREE and the running time is 90...

Public events of epic proportions orchestrated by Plus Gallery Want to know who's helping to light the fuse in Denver's exploding art world? Follow the breadcrumbs. They will take you directly to the door of the Plus Gallery, 2501 Larimer, where director Ivar Zeile works his...

Editor's note: Reverend Pat Bailey of Telluride's Christ Church continues his weekly series, with findings based on his doctoral thesis. In this installment, Pat stresses the importance of Nature in the context of  the new spirituality. In my doctoral dissertation I am claiming the need for...

In July 2010 a group of red-robed monks from the Gaden Shartse Monastery unpacked their cymbals and longhorns on the grass in front of Ophir Town Hall and blessed the whole valley with their eerie chanting and music. Last year, they returned to create an...