
No doubt we will all say we knew her when. Graduating Telluride senior Alexis Cruzzavala is an exceptional young woman.

Seven years ago, when we first met, Alexis was only 11 and doing a bit part in the Telluride Repertory Theatre's production of "Romeo and Juliet." Even then, she stood out from the crowd: not just smart, she was also articulate, and poised beyond her years. When the conversation turned to acting, she gushed like a broken dam.

Alexis went on to perform in no fewer than eight of director Jen Julia's always memorable productions. She nearly stole the show in her most recent role, "Marty," the Lolita wannabe in "Grease."  She stars in the SAFYPT's upcoming "The Audition."

[click "Play" button to hear Clint's conversation with Cosy Sheridan] There are lots of things happening at Telluride's Wilkinson Public Library. This time Scott Doser, program director at the library, has laid on a weekend of workshops plus a...

(editor's note: We did get the video uploaded, finally, so take another look.)

The play's not the thing. "The Audition" is simply a vehicle for a talented group of Telluride teens. Watching them in rehearsal, it was obvious how much they love and respect their longtime director, Jen Julia, and how much they enjoy one another and strutting their stuff on the boards.

"Closing night of Grease, the kids said, 'We want more,' and so I began searching scripts that met the following criteria: Kids would play kids as they had in 'Grease,' and get to work with material with some dramatic grit, something they could sink their teeth into," explained Jen.

Telluride's Nugget Theatre will show two movies for the week of May 15-21, Race to Witch Mountain and The Soloist. In addition there will be a Telluride Film Festival presentation of Gomorrah at 8:30 pm on Thursday, May 21.

Racetowitchmountain_poster "Race to Witch Mountain" is for the younger set. From Disney, its PG Rating is primarily for some scenes which might be frightening for sensitive youngsters. The story concerns a taxi driver who picks up a pair of aliens who look like teenagers. The kids are being pursued by the U.S, government, and must get back to Witch Mountain.

Thesoloist_poster "The Soloist" (Rated PG) is based on a true story. Journalist Steve Lopez (Robert Downey jr.) discovers a child musical prodigy, Nathaniel Anthony Ayers (Jamie Foxx) existing as a homeless man in Los Angeles. The movie alternates between the present and the past in order to show how Ayers went from a life of promise to a life on the streets.

For reviews and trailers, see the Nugget website.

[click "Play" to hear Susan's conversation with Sarah Klein]

GoodMotherCardscreen Forget to make a brunch reservation on this special day and you wind up in the Seventh Circle of Hell. In Telluride, as in the best of all possible worlds, Mother's Day would be everyday. The Hallmark Card model of the holiday is a set-up, a guilt trip, that should, I believe, go the way of the Hummer.

Truth be told no matter how many saccharine cards, roses, truffles, heart necklaces, or brunches we buy, we can never ever pay off that eternal debt we owe the woman who packs our lunches, bandages our boo-boos, soothes our bruised egos, cuddles and encourages us through thick and thin, believes in us no matter what. The best of the breed inspires success without ever pushing an agenda. They teach, but don't preach, the requirement for a straight spine and strong moral fiber. They are smart, loving, resourceful, and charming. And, they do this with no guarantee of a quid pro quo.

Telluride's Nugget Theatre is showing "Sunshine Cleaning" at 6:30 and 8:30 pm Friday, May 8 thru Sunday, May 10, then at 7:30 Monday through Thursday, May 14.Amy Adams and Emily Blunt are sisters who get into a rather unusual business: cleaning up the premises...

43 The Telluride Public School's production of Stephen Sondheim's "Into the Woods" is being performed May 7-9 at 6:30 pm, and a 1:30 matinee, Sunday, May 10 at the Michael D. Palm Theatre.

The play is directed by Angela Watkins with musical direction by Dr. David Lingle.

Stateofplay_smallposter Telluride's Nugget Theatre is showing two movies for the week of May 1 - 7: "State of Play" and "Monsters vs. Aliens."       

Monstersvsaliens_smallposter "Monsters" is an animated film from Dreamworks, pitting Earth-based monsters, mostly freaks of science, against invading aliens from Space. It's a fun way to spend an hour and a half.

"State of Play" boasts a strong cast including Ben Affleck, Russell Crowe, and Rachel McAdams. The political thriller concerns a congressman investigating a private security company (can you spell "Blackwater?"), some unexplained deaths, and some tough investigative newspaper reporting. (Rated "PG-13" for profanity and violence)

Trio Solisti is the founding ensemble of the Telluride Musicfest, this year June 25 – July 5, and featuring world renowned composer Philip Glass as Composer-in-Residence.  "Telluride Inside...