Author: Susan Viebrock

Well, Telluride.  Judging from the lines at any movie, people who make the popcorn seem to know what they are doing. Apparently so do the people who put together the Telluride Film Festival. [caption id="attachment_38653" align="aligncenter" width="600"] "12 Years a Slave" team after winning Best Pic. (Image,...

The San Miguel Resource Center's Phenomenal Women's Week in Telluride, this year, March 2 – March 8, coincides with Women's History Month and International Women's Day. The celebration is dedicated toward promoting gender equality globally by acting locally. [caption id="attachment_38639" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Image, a spoof of artist...

This is a story about seeds and the good and great things they germinate. Eric Earley knows all about seeds. Seeds were the central conceit of an Op Ed piece he penned for the New York Times. Earley grew up in the Oregon hills and mountains, where...

Sunday night is the Oscars, when Telluride will be in the limelight with the films and actors that got kickstarted at the 2013 Telluride Film Festival: "Inside Llewyn Davis," "12 Years A Slave," "Gravity," Blue is the Warmest Color," "All is Lost," "Nebraska," "Frances Ha,"...

"Urinetown" & Telluride Theatre, the backstory: The Declaration of Independence made it very clear: life, liberty –  and the pursuit of a toilet are among man's inalienable (read "natural") rights, right? Well, only maybe...

Soot deposited from a torch lighting the way dated the event to about 26,000 years ago. A boy of about 10 walked alongside a large canid, likely half-dog, half-wolf, inside the Chauvet caves in the Ardeche region in France, the site of some of the...

Event starts noon at historic Sheridan Opera House. Reception is from 6 – 10 p.m.   Her day job is director of the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art. But for 19 years,  the indefatigable Baerbel Hacke has put together the Telluride AIDS Benefit's art auction. The...

1st Professional Women's Forum luncheon at New Sheridan First tracks in fresh powder. The circus. Ice cream sundaes with a cherry on top. Puppies. All, lots and lots of good clean fun. And then there's sex. Have I got your attention now? Sometimes lovemaking is full of passion and...

[caption id="attachment_38283" align="alignright" width="300"] Whitney Johnson & friends. Without her vision, many of these young people were without help or hope.[/caption] May the longtime sun shine upon you All love surround you And the pure light within you Guide your way on. (Kundalini Yoga Blessing, sung by the children and...