Author: Susan Viebrock

Fundraiser with LIVE theatrics by Telluride Theatre, presented by Telluride Theatre and The Palm, 11/24. For tickets ($15 in advance), click here. The book is ludicrous.  A young couple stumbles into a castle inhabited by weirdos from the planet Transylvania including Dr. Frank N. Furter, a...

[caption id="attachment_35380" align="alignright" width="300"] Village People (after)[/caption] Looked outside lately? There's snow in the high country (yippee!!) and at times, on the ground. T-shirt weather is definitely over – at least as far as anyone can say anything definite about the weather.  But before offseason and...

[caption id="attachment_35364" align="alignright" width="300"] Trevor Hall, president, Creative Visions Foundation[/caption] His proud mother, Judy Hall, is a longtime Telluride local, which meant son Trevor spent a lot of time in town. So, when we received an email about Trevor's relatively recent TEDxPacific Palisades TEDxTalk, we thought...

[caption id="attachment_35353" align="alignright" width="252"] Jenny Morgan, "You To Me"[/caption] "Having been interested in painting the figure for most of my artistic life, I hope to create an emotional response in each piece. Inventing new ways of looking at our oldest and most classic subject matter is always...

As the fall film festival whirligig draws to a close, the co-directors of the Telluride Film Festival must feel vindicated by the plaudits being heaped on many of their picks, including the technical tour de force and blockbuster-in-the-making, "Gravity." Here's the Rappler's spin, by KD...

[caption id="attachment_35315" align="alignright" width="300"] Telluride, pictured in Transworld Business.(Here's hoping winter looks like this.)[/caption] Browsing the Internet, I came across this article in Transworld Business about Telski's new eyewear partner. "ZEAL Optics, the most sustainable sunglass company in the world, and Telluride Ski Resort, the most beautiful...

And the beat goes on. At the close of the fall film festival season, I came upon yet another article about a Telluride Film Festival favorite, the documentary "Tim's Vermeer," this one from The Hollywood Reporter. [caption id="attachment_35247" align="alignright" width="199"] "Tim's Vermeer," The Hollywood Reporter[/caption] "THR's awards...

[caption id="attachment_35202" align="alignright" width="150"] MASS MoCA, third incarnation of industrial site[/caption] The Site: A Phoenix It's Bilbao all over again, a story of a museum reviving a surrounding town. Starting in colonial times, North Adams was a prosperous place of wholesale shoe manufacturers, the site that is now MASS...

[caption id="attachment_35148" align="alignright" width="300"] Bruce Dern in "Nebraska," from "Thompson on Hollywood"[/caption] I do it all the time. Browse the Internet for interesting stories about Telluride and the Telluride lifestyle, a delightful balance of indoors and outdoors, mind and body, and adventures of all kinds, including...

A funny thing happened on the way to the Chagall show at the Jewish Museum. The door to the artist's darker works – read not all fiddlers on the roof and weightless couples free-floating "Gravity"-style in space – were slammed shut because of the Jewish...