Author: Susan Viebrock

Thursday, January 16, SPARKy Productions and the Wilkinson Public Library present a screening of Stanley Kubrick’s "Dr. Strangelove" starring Peter Sellers and George C. Scott. "Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb, " is a1964 black comedy about an insane...

The following is a look at what’s ahead in January. Go to or for more information.   Thursday, Jan 9 Board of Trustees will hold its regular meeting on Thursday, January 9, 5:15, Program Room.   Tuesday, January 14 "Muhammad: Legacy of a Prophet," 6 p.m. Program Room His father died...

The story of a girl’s dream to be the youngest person ever to sail around the world – alone! “Maidentrip” won the hearts and minds of the Mountain in Telluride audience when the film screened in town over festival weekend last May. Among its many fans...

[caption id="attachment_37084" align="alignright" width="300"] Huff Post Style says to moisturize at least twice a day[/caption] If the holiday partying did not do it, guaranteed winter will – or could, unless you take the proper precautions. I am talking about wreaking havoc on your skin. But here...

A glimpse in the rear view mirror can be eye-opening. Especially if the view is all the way back to the civilization of the ancient Maya. This article in Huff Post is yet another affirmation of the simple fact the more things change, the less things...

[caption id="attachment_37029" align="alignright" width="300"] (From Mark Bittman's great New York Times story)[/caption] Are you so over New Year's resolutions – the list-making, not the doing? Do you resolve not to read one compilation with new and improved options? Well, I suggest this one time you make...

[caption id="attachment_37001" align="alignright" width="300"] Taking a vacation is one thing not to stress about, asserts Huff Post[/caption] Did you resolve not to sweat the small stuff. Because it is ALL small stuff? If yes, this insightful blog from HuffPost Lifestyle  featuring 14 things that concern most...

Ask anyone involved in the Telluride AIDS Benefit and they'll tell you abstinence-only does not work. But abstinence only may be the only sure-fire cure for the common hangover. However, I found a blog worth sharing on Time NewsFeed that offers 6 time-tested remedies. Although...

[caption id="attachment_36965" align="alignright" width="300"] Two Bureau of Indian Affairs firefighters take a break in a blackened aspen grove during the Burn Canyon Fire near Norwood, Colorado, Ben Knight[/caption]   In the halcyon days of the 1990s, Telluride was flush, the local daily was fat and happy and the...

You have reached the finish line. The holiday trifecta is effectively OVER. Except for The List. Have you made your New Year's resolutions yet? Mine involve daily meditation, yoga for my husband, as much cross-country skiing as possible, and bee pollen. Blocked? This article I...