Author: Susan Viebrock

A long time ago and far away, say, in the halcyon (not really) days of the 1950s and 1960s, summer meant road trips, day camp, and ice cream. Labor Day is fast approaching and with the long weekend (that includes the Telluride Film Festival), the start...

Khrisnamacharya was the renowned Indian yoga teacher, Ayurvedic healer and scholar widely regarded as the father of modern yoga. He is responsible for bringing yoga to the West, but  did so largely through his disciples: K.Pattabhi Jois, his son T.K.V. Desikachar, and his brother-in-law, B.K.S. Iyengar....

Let’s play a game of free association. If I say “birds,” what do you say? Hitchcock? Audobon Society? Geeks with binoculars and sore necks? Ted Floyd would be a great answer. Hot on the heels of the dearly departed Telluride Mushroom Festival, Daiva Chesonis was as much in demand as boletus...

He was Mork. He was a madcap. He was Robin McLaurin Williams, beloved American actor, comedian, film producer and screenwriter. And on August 11, 2014, he died of an apparent suicide by hanging in his home in Paradise Cay, California. Why? Why tens of thousands of...

Mushroom Festival has come and gone– just behind the imminent flowering of the local mycelia. Now we are heading for the finish line, the apex of the summer season, the Telluride Film Festival, August 29 – September 1. It is easy to lose the essence of the Film Fest in...

“(Ken) Burns is not only the greatest documentarian of the day, but also the most influential filmmaker period. That includes feature filmmakers like George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. I say that because Burns not only turned millions of persons onto history with his films, he...

The lady has a thing for ghostly mining towns in idyllic Rocky Mountain settings. [caption id="attachment_44253" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Award-winning author, Antonya Nelson[/caption] There is the one she bought piecemeal with her husband, a place with attitude (neighbors don’t speak to one another) and altitude (9,400 feet) that...

My sermon on Monday, August 10, was titled "What Should I Renounce?" What does renunciation of various things have to do with the spiritual life? Is there a deeper way of letting go and self-emptying that is not a denial of our embodiment and in-earthment?...