Author: Susan Viebrock

[caption id="attachment_37846" align="alignright" width="300"] Telluride Monks, Amy Levek[/caption] The Chimera of legend was a monstrous, fire-breathing creature composed of the parts of three animals, a lion, a snake and a goat. Today the term has come to describe any fictional beast with parts taken from various...

Planning a great date night is not always easy. Feel like you've been there done that with just about every adventure that comes to mind? With Valentine's Day just around the corner, here are "10 Ways to Surprise Your Spouse," we discovered in "The Nest."  1. Stuff...

Here's one for all you trivia buffs. The Punxsutawney Groundhog Club was established the late 19th century: 1887 to be exact. Say what, you say? Get out of your hole. That is the fraternity dedicated to the only true weather forecasting groundhog on the planet,...

[caption id="attachment_37767" align="alignright" width="300"] Swap your pizza crust for whole wheat tortilla, from Huff Post Healthy Living[/caption] Super Bowl Sunday. A great day to watch the new TV you bought on deep sale this week. A great day to end the cleanse you were on in...

[caption id="attachment_37771" align="alignright" width="300"] From "What Drives Success?." New York Times[/caption] The answer to the question proposed in the title I can be found in a New York Times article written by the husband and wife team of Amy Chua and Jed Rubenfeld. I found it both...

A controversial article: On Wednesday, December 25, The New York Times published what became a controversial article by Pam Belluck about knee surgery. The headline: "Common Knee Surgery Does Very Little for Some, Study Suggests." The article went on to say: "A popular surgical procedure worked no better...

  [caption id="attachment_37616" align="alignright" width="301"] Collage, Marla Meridith, Family Fresh Cooking[/caption] Telluride Inside… and Out has been ramping up our food coverage to include reviews and commentary – with a little help from our friend and professional colleague, Marla Meridith, founder, editor and photographer of the fabulous...

Can you picture the face of respect, whether it's self-respect or respect for others? It looks exactly like the faces of the staff at the San Miguel Resource Center, the Telluride region's only nonprofit in the business of helping people in trouble help themselves. Each of...