Author: Susan Viebrock

Here's a good one for Jeopardy or the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle: What is the name of the person who invented video art? Art historians universally credit Korean-born Nam June Paik, who was married to another video artist, Shigeko Kubota, in the heyday of...

My name is Susan and I am a chocoholic. So when I came across these 35 killer recipes in HuffPost Taste, I had to share – starting with the Dulce de Leche confection from Two Peas and their Pod.   (Although I refuse to share...

We make a smoothies almost every morning to jump-start our day, and so we are constantly looking for new spins on an old theme. Check out these five great recipes from HuffPost Healthy Living. When's the last time you really considered what a culinary marvel the...

Here's a thoughtful article, 20 Daily Practices that Changed My Life, that appeared in the Elephant Journal by Camille Willemain;  a coconut-loving, barefoot, beach bum who finds bliss exploring the endless possibilities of the Earth.  She aims to inspire people to release their fears, chase their dreams, and do...

My name is Susan. And I am a pasta-holic. So when I came across these mouthwatering recipes, my first impulse was to share, because I know my addiction is not unique. Nor is pasta itself.  Pasta is one of the world’s most accessible foods. [caption id="attachment_39848" align="aligncenter" width="570"]...

Turning yourself into a pin cushion (acupuncture) turns out to make sense. Meditation reduces stress. It takes a village (community) helps us live longer and better lives. This article in the Huffington Post by Alena Hall summarizes eight best practices that have endured through the...

"Retrograde" is a progressive, intimate dance experience produced and choreographed by Amanda Carlson, directed by Katy Parnello, Friday, April 4, 5 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. & 8 p.m. Some like it hot. And few events burn hotter in the region (and now beyond) than...

Abigail Heche is a designing woman who likes to travel. Recent trips with National Geographic to the West Indies, Greek Islands, Newfoundland and especially Labrador inspired her newest lines of fine jewelry. Labrador  – and her life in general: "I live a beautiful life. I am totally blessed...

Of late, Telluride has had a lot of celebrate (our first Olympian, Gus Kenworthy, the end of a successful ski and cultural season). But the region has also had to shed a few tears following the recent and untimely deaths of our friends Eliot Muckerman...