Author: Susan Viebrock

Buffs like us who had been following the film festivals and their picks in general release, know that Alfonso Cuaron's techno blockbuster "Gravity" is, pardon the pun, flying high. Here's what we said about the movie in our review of the 40th annual Telluride Film...

[caption id="attachment_36071" align="alignright" width="300"] Mosier, foreground, down toward Hood River[/caption] Stay tuned…. There will be a Telluride connection… Always is. Mosier, Oregon: The population of Mosier, Oregon was not always 421. There were even fewer people, about 280 locals, living in the picturesque hamlet when Arlene Burns discovered the...

[caption id="attachment_36033" align="alignright" width="300"] Dern and Payne on set of "Nebraska" (from Spinoff Online)[/caption] Ok, alright. I admit it. I am biased. First screened at the Telluride Film Festival, we did handstands for Alexander Payne's "Nebraska" – and have been waiting for others to join in...

[caption id="attachment_35989" align="alignright" width="290"] Mindfulness, The Guardian[/caption] According to Psychology Today, "mindfulness" is "a state of active, open attention on the present. When you're mindful, you observe your thoughts and feelings from a distance, without judging them good or bad. Instead of letting your life pass...

November 12, 2013, the Telluride Foundation and regional  nonprofit organizations united for a 24-hour online giving campaign, Telluride Gives, to benefit local charities. Donors were able to search for and chose a nonprofit to which to give, making an unexpected, gift to local organizations. The...

[caption id="attachment_35910" align="alignright" width="300"] The Dance that is the Hue Morning Rush[/caption] Boots on the ground: nothing trumps local knowledge when we are planning an itinerary. The resounding success of our first trip to Thailand was thanks to help from our friends, Telluride locals who also live...

Here's a post from Lisa, from Retro Housewife Goes Green, and her suggestions for an Eco-Friendly Thanksgiving: Thanksgiving will be here before we know it so I have put together some ideas and links to blog posts to help you prepare for an eco-friendly Thanksgiving. Having a...

Here's an interesting post that originally appeared in the Patients For Medical Cannabis blog, Marijuana Miracle: 5 Exciting New Discoveries About Pot: From The Economist: "If (Marijuana) were unknown, it's discovery would no doubt be hailed as a medical breakthrough. Scientists would praise it's potential for treating everything...

Maesa Elephant Camp: Well-intentioned people will wag their index finger in your general direction when you tell them you are heading to a place like the Maesa Elephant Camp, which is southeast of Chiang Dao. They will say if you REALLY care about elephants, head for...