Author: Susan Viebrock

Turning yourself into a pin cushion (acupuncture) turns out to make sense. Meditation reduces stress. It takes a village (community) helps us live longer and better lives. This article in the Huffington Post by Alena Hall summarizes eight best practices that have endured through the...

"Retrograde" is a progressive, intimate dance experience produced and choreographed by Amanda Carlson, directed by Katy Parnello, Friday, April 4, 5 p.m., 5:45 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 7:15 p.m. & 8 p.m. Some like it hot. And few events burn hotter in the region (and now beyond) than...

Abigail Heche is a designing woman who likes to travel. Recent trips with National Geographic to the West Indies, Greek Islands, Newfoundland and especially Labrador inspired her newest lines of fine jewelry. Labrador  – and her life in general: "I live a beautiful life. I am totally blessed...

Of late, Telluride has had a lot of celebrate (our first Olympian, Gus Kenworthy, the end of a successful ski and cultural season). But the region has also had to shed a few tears following the recent and untimely deaths of our friends Eliot Muckerman...

A well-worn platitude floating around in the zeitgeist is the one about aging. If you are a Boomer, you've undoubtedly heard it (or said it) : like fine wine, you're not getting older; you're getting better. Well, actress and writer Annabelle Gurwitch begs to differ....

As you read this post, are you also listening to the news? Texting a friend? Giving yourself a pedicure? This HuffPost Healthy Living blog by Katie Gold suggests that might not be a good idea. Might in fact be counter-productive. Quick reality check: We live in...

It was a Kodak moment: A small town with a big heart celebrating a local hero, Telluride's first Olympian, silver medalist Gus Kenworthy. [caption id="attachment_39764" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Gus in Sochi[/caption] And celebrating in style. A portion of San Juan Avenue will be renamed "Gus's Way." Oak Street Plaza...

Thanks to the miracle of modern technology –  and the Formbys (and their team) – last week Telluride was able to ingest Tuesday and Wednesday's sessions of the TED Talks (via simulcasts) taking place in Vancouver, British Columbia. The rock star Sting was one of...

The 7th Annual Telluride Yoga Festival takes place Thursday, July 10-Sunday, July 13, 2014 in the stunning setting of Telluride, Colorado. With over 30 top tier presenters leading more than 85 classes, workshops, lecturers and events in a total of 11 venues in both Telluride...

The overall results of the Subaru Freeride Tour, Juniors, Telluride leg, are as follows: [caption id="attachment_39721" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Junior Freesking Tour. Image by Mark Epstein.[/caption] Women's Snowboard: 1. Olivia Olsen, 62.00 Women's Ski: 1. Sierra Swan, 71.67 2. Maya Ordonez, 69.33 Men's Snowboard: 1. Jackson Kelley, 85.00 2. Noah Perkovich, 81.00 3. Henry Storm 62.67 Men's Ski: 1.  Erik Hilb,...