Author: Susan Viebrock

“Rhiannon’s last trip to Bluegrass (as a co-founder of the Carolina Chocolate Drops in 2010) was a revelation, and today her star continues to rise thanks to a brilliant solo album, collaborations with T Bone Burnett, Marcus Mumford, and Elvis Costello, and an undeniable voice...

TMVOA Announces the 2015 Sunset Concert Series Featuring Orgone, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, The Delta Saints, The Brothers Comatose, and more. Wednesdays, June 24 - August 19, Sunset Plaza in Mountain Village. Starting Wednesday, June 24, the Telluride Mountain Village Owners Association (TMVOA) will host another season of nationally touring...

Please scroll down to bottom of story to eavesdrop on my interview with violinist Maria Bachmann of the Trio Solisti. Maria, a bravura performer is also artistic director of the upcoming Telluride Musicfest.  [caption id="attachment_51272" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Maria Bachmann & the Trio Solisti, the heart of...

Please scroll down to bottom of story about Sharon White and the White-Cooder-Skaggs Trio to hear an interview with Sharon White. As a member of the beloved country-gospel family band known as The Whites, Sharon White (guitar, vocals) was just a kid when she began performing...

Inflamed bursitis. Arthritis. Chronic or acute musculo-skelotal pain. Frozen shoulder. ACL tear. Low back, neck, shoulder pain. Osteoporosis. Sports injury. [caption id="attachment_51295" align="aligncenter" width="600"] BaziFit team[/caption] Please raise your hand if you have ever had to visit a physical therapist for any of the above very commonly...

“Ed Harrold is fantastic and I truly believe what he is teaching will be the next step in Sports Performance as well as enhance athletic ability,” Bill Fabrocini, Sports Medicine Scroll down to bottom of post to listen to an interview with Ed. [caption id="attachment_51030" align="aligncenter" width="429"]...

W.O.W.! In Telluride, the acronym stands for Becca Tudor’s wonderful Weekend of Wellness – Thursday, June 11 – Sunday, June 14 – personal training and lectures, featuring some of the top fitness instructors and docs in the country (also skilled locals) working in the field...

Telluride WOW, “A Weekend of Wellness,” Thursday, June 11 – Sunday, June 14, is an equal opportunity event. The team of presenters founder/director Becca Tudor of Fuel put together a balanced roster of equally talented men and women in the field of health and fitness. Among...

In our kitchen, olive oil (rather than butter or other oils) is the go-to for cooking. But have we been making the right choice? And if we have, are all olive oils created equal? Which ones are best for cooking? For antioxidant value?  Dr. Mark Hyman...

“I have now lived in Telluride Co, for four years. I came for the winters, but I am staying to launch a start up….That could be a bumper sticker, no?,” Patrick Latcham, CEO, ProEditors [caption id="attachment_51196" align="aligncenter" width="371"] Patrick Latcham, CEO, ProEditor[/caption] Want to share your last...