Author: Susan Viebrock

Telluride Arts presents the first First Thursday Art Walk , the second of  the winter 2016 season. Celebration of local talent takes place Thursday, February 4. A free Art Walk map offers a self-guided tour that can be used at any time to find galleries that are open...

What color is Mountain Village? [caption id="attachment_56784" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Green Gondola Project[/caption] The correct answer is not beige, as one visiting journalist suggested (after an all-too-cursory look-see). Somehow he missed the white. Mountain Village is an embarrassment of snow white this winter, perhaps from some breaking open of...

San Miguel Resource Center’s Chocolate Lovers’ Fling is a fun-raiser which includes chocolate treats by local chefs, a silent auction, music, a raffle, and cash prizes for Best Dressed and more. Tickets in advance, $45, available at Two Skirts in Telluride and online at VIP Tickets are $150...

The 21st annual Chocolate Lovers’ Fling, a fun-raiser for the San Miguel Resource Center, includes chocolate treats by local chefs, a silent auction, music, raffle, and cash prizes for the Best Dressed. Tickets in advance, $45, available at Two Skirts in Telluride and online at

Something familiar, something peculiar, something for everyone is happening tonight –or rather, Friday through Sunday nights, January 29 – January 31, 2016, at 6 p.m. That’s when the Sheridan Arts Foundation Young People’s Theatre presents director Jen Julia’s adaptation – for the second time around –...

Telluride Arts District is now accepting applications for the 2016 cycle for Small Grants for Artists. Funding for individual artist’s projects, professional development, and artist-to-artist workshops. Deadline to submit: March 7, 2016 by 5 p.m. Small grants support the innovation, creativity and professional development of individual artists living in...

October 14-16, 2016 marks the 7th Telluride Horror Show, a three-day festival celebrating independent genre film in picturesque Telluride, Colorado. MovieMaker Magazine described The Telluride Horror Show as one of "13 Film Festivals to Die For" and "20 Coolest Film Festivals in the World.” The Denver Post said:...

With major support from the Telluride Ski Resort, Denise Mongan’s Beyond the Groove is pleased to announce an encore show featuring Cash’d Out. Monday, January 25, Club Red at the Telluride Conference Center in Mountain Village. Doors, 7:30 p.m.; show, 8 p.m. Tickets, $15 - $25 here.  Please...

Martin Luther King, Jr. made history. Dan Budnik was an eyewitness and chronicler. Many of Budnik's images were never published in the mainstream media. Others, such as one his portraits of King delivering his "I Have A Dream" speech at the Lincoln memorial, became iconic. A...

Kate Jones, executive director of Telluride Arts, has watched plans for the SW corner of Fir and Pacific evolve over the past three years. These plans now include more affordable housing than is required, smaller homes along the alley to help ease the transition between...