Author: Susan Viebrock

On Thursday, July 28, the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art & The Ah Haa School for the Arts present at free public talk. The event takes place Thursday, July 28, 6 p.m. at the Gallery. A Telluride Gallery of Fine Arts artist since 2010, Shawna Moore...

David Suzuki, Ronald Wright and Telluride Mountainfilm regular Wade Davis talk about the fact “We Must Change the Way We Look at the Natural World.” Insights in this EcoWatch blog by James Hoggan that follows. In my last blog I reported some dire warnings from several of the world's...

Telluride’s Jagged Edge and The Nature Conservancy celebrate 50 years of conservation in Colorado with talks and a film screening. The focus of the evening is the Colorado River, one of the most endangered rivers in the U.S. The free event takes place Thursday, July 28,...

The point of it all is to break down the headlines, determine why an issue is important and reveal the best arguments on each side of the story. Last week, Cleo Abram took a hard look at Trump - in the mouth of Supreme Court Justice...

Last weekend, July 15 – July 16, Telluride Arts' Telluride Art + Architecture Weekend celebrated its fifth year – and it was a sold-out event. Out of 10 creative teams, each a stop on the Weekend’ Tour, one took home the Audience Choice Prize of $3,000. There were also three...

This year, 2016, the Telluride Historical Museum celebrates 50 years in operation. The gala celebration takes place at the Peaks Resort and Spa in Mountain Village and includes dinner, dancing, prizes, and an exhibit detailing the Museum’s history. Tickets. for gala here. Scroll down to find out what else is...

Dear Pet Column, Our family has a young female cat that has not been spayed yet. We are thinking about letting her have one litter so that our children can experience the kittens being born and cared for by their mother. My question is: How long...

The annual Telluride Yoga Festival takes place this year, Thursday, July 21 – Sunday, July 24. Tickets/passes available here. Scroll down to the bottom of  Dr. Alanna Kaivalya’s story for her video interview. A book-signing for Alanna’s “Myths of the Asanas & Sacred Sound,” Sunday, July 24, 1:30...

The ninth annual Telluride Yoga Festival takes place Thursday, July 21 – July 24, 2016. Tickets/passes here. Schedule here. Vincent Bolletta is a returning presenter from New Zealand. Scroll down to the bottom of the story to watch his video interview. Meet Vincent Bolletta: Though he hails from the...

Telluride Yoga Festival, Thursday, June 21 - Sunday, June 24, 2016. Schedule here. Tickets here. To learn more about Tymi Howard, scroll down and listen to her podcast. [caption id="attachment_59973" align="aligncenter" width="436"] Tymi Howard[/caption]   Aching back? Headache? Instead of opiods, try reaching for a mat. It is a well known...