Author: Susan Viebrock

For a full schedule of Mountainfilm programs and events, go here. It is an old story that gets retold every time Congress debates immigration policy – or when a particularly gruesome account of violence against illegal border crossers provides grist for 24-hour news mills. Still, the sad...

In addition to two screenings of Scott Cohen’s “Red Knot”  – Saturday, Masons, 6:16 p.m. & Sunday, Sheridan Opera House, 9:15 p.m. – photographic images of Antarctica he shot while making the movie will be on display at the Telluride Gallery of Fine Art during Gallery...

Over Mountainfilm weekend, find Emilie at the Telluride Art District’s Stronghouse Studios & Gallery, where she will be for sure during Gallery Walk, Friday, May 22, Passes and tickets for Mountainfilm here. Full schedule for Gallery Walk here. [caption id="attachment_50692" align="aligncenter" width="600"] Emilie Lee, artist-in-residence, Telluride Mountainfilm[/caption] A group of...

"A simple journey, a complex problem and an epic journey" – straight from the horse’s mouth. Mountainfilm guest, photographer, author Ben Masters writes about his first movie, a doc about wild mustangs. “Unbranded” is also a book. Passes/tickets for Telluride Mountainfilm here. Unbranded started with cheap tequila, greasy enchiladas...

Even favorite aphorisms can have geography. Take “saved by the bell” for example. The expression refers to a knock-down in the ring, a slow count of ten and a bell, which saves a fighter from defeat. Well yes – at least in some parts of the...

Strategy: noun, a plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim. A master plan, grand design, game plan, plan of action. You say you knew the dictionary definition of “strategy” because, well, you run a nonprofit, you are a board member,...

“This is an opportunity to get together and party around the joy of reading. It is a celebration of that good ole fashioned past-time,” said Between the Covers Bookstore co-owner Daiva Chesonis, one of the original conspirators behind Telluride’s newest shoulder-season happening: Telluride Literary Arts Festival (LitFest), Thursday, May 14-17. A long-...

In most cases, the lucky ones, mothers are the Linus blankets of our early lives. We hang on as long as we can. Early on, we can’t go to sleep without them nearby. When we think of our most cherished childhood memories, moms typically play central roles in the...

 While in New York, we visited the Museum of Natural History not just for the dinosaur room, but this time specifically for a show entitled “Life at the Limits: Extreme Creatures,” about gaining an understanding about how and why weird and astonishing species evolve. For example the tardigrade,...

Writer/editor William Green posted the following on LinkedIn Pulse. William's new book,”The Great Minds of Investing,” is scheduled to be published later this month. I’ve covered business for more than 20 years, writing articles for Fortune, Forbes, Bloomberg, Money, Fast Company, Time, The New Yorker and...