A well-worn platitude floating around in the zeitgeist is the one about aging. If you are a Boomer, you’ve undoubtedly heard it (or said it) : like fine wine, you’re not getting older; you’re getting better. Well, actress and writer Annabelle Gurwitch begs to differ. Her quotable (if dismaying) quotes can be found in a terrific article by Judith Newman in the Sunday (3/16) New York Times Style section.
Annabelle Gurwitch, actress and writer, still loves to perform but says she has no illusions about which way her career, and life, are headed. Credit, Annie Tritt for The New York Times
“No more prostitutes,” Annabelle Gurwitch says as we swill our pinot grigio in the lobby bar of the Shutters hotel in Santa Monica, Calif. “It’s tragic. Playing prostitutes used to be my specialty.” The actress/author and I are gleefully debating everything in life we must leave behind now that we’re over 50, and everything we must embrace.
There is much we disagree on. For example, I tell her, and I’m sure this is deeply comforting, that she’s still totally believable as a prostitute. But regarding clothing, we reach a consensus. No to frilled collars and rompers (“unless I’m playing a prisoner or a mental patient”), yes to Eileen Fisher. “Her clothes give you authority,” Ms. Gurwitch says. “You look like an elder statesman in a sci-fi movie about a dystopian future.”
While there are many things Ms. Gurwitch thinks she can’t get away with anymore, she knows there is one thing she can pull off beautifully: a heinous crime. “Because as a woman over 50 in L.A., I’m invisible,” she says cheerfully.
“That’s ridiculous,” I reply, as a waiter ignores frantic signals for a second bottle…
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