The notion that a man makes a woman, although absurd, is deeply engrained in the female psyche. It tells women they need a man to nurture and love them, to provide for them, and to
The notion that a man makes a woman, although absurd, is deeply engrained in the female psyche. It tells women they need a man to nurture and love them, to provide for them, and to
Friday is a transition day of cooling temperatures and high clouds moving into the area. The first snowfall in a long while is due to arrive Saturday evening in the San Juan Mounta
January 5 to 12, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn Evening: Venus and Jupiter As I take my first steps through the mystical forest of 2012, I can’t help but feel a
During the holidays, many of us solemnly swear to do Big Things to improve our lives – such as fit into those super skinny jeans. For the first Fashion Friday of the New Year,
January 3, 2012—-Tea Leaves Read, Oracles Consulted, Bruja Shakes Goat Toenails (shak-shaks) In Pagan Dance, Chickens Sacrificed…Seeking Weather Enlightenment….
At Telluride’s altitude, close to 9,000 feet, there is 30 percent less available oxygen in the air than at sea level. How you or your guests react to the shortfall depends up
While we are all making New Year’s resolutions to eat less and exercise more why not add home improvements to our lists of self improvements? Personally and professionally, I am
It’s been over a week since Telluride has seen snow and there is nothing in the immediate forecast. Although there is still fun to be had on the ski area, it’s certainly not a
In this week’s video, Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel is working with his young Yellow Lab male, Drake. In demonstrating the remote “Stay!” command, Ted h
Dec. 29, 2011 to Jan. 5, 2012 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn Evening: Venus and Jupiter As we cross the illusionary bridge of time that takes us from the known lands o
One year ends, another begins. We humans traditionally review what we did (the good, bad and indifferent) and look to what we want and need to do in the next 12 months – our New
As I’ve watched Ted Hoff work with the dogs at Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel, one of the things I’ve noticed time and time again is his clarity about the object being tau
Our regular contributor to Shrink Rap, the indomitable Dr. Paul Hokemeyer, has been on an email binge, sending Telluride Inside… and Out stories on topics of that might be of i
December 22 to 29, 2011 Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn Evening: Venus and Jupiter Winter Solstice takes place this year at 10:30 pm MST on Dec. 21st, when the Sun ente
No, it’s not what you think if you think someone ran out of wool before the glove got finished. Fingerless gloves are on purpose and practical. Fingerless gloves are worn by
With Xmas around the corner, in this installment of Shrink Rap, I want to explore the subject of overspending during the holidays. Hormones play a role. To be more specific, it i
San Juan Mountains Weather Report. Tuesday December 20, 2011… 09:10 As the low pressure system traveled east into the plains last night (southeast Colorado/northern New Mexico) i
Who’da thunk it? Hunting season may be over, but the remains of the day are everywhere. We are talking deer and elk antlers in home decor, a trend I could never have predicte
Telluride Inside…. and Out is pleased to introduce TWEED – partners Victoria Crawford and Robyn Shaw – to our list of columnists. Starting this week and then every second Tu
Aesthetic skin care for life at 8,750 feet, now at the Telluride Medical Center Seeking to reverse the effects of sun damage and aging? Make a beeline for the Telluride Medical Cen
Telluride is full of parents who want nothing more than their kids to love skiing as much as they do. So, it is with great care that parents broach skiing with their children and t
Your dog wants to run and play with other dogs, and you have a mission that requires Rover to be attentive to you? Watch as Ted Hoff of Cottonwood Ranch and Kennel works with his L
December 15 to 22, 2011 Visible Planets: Morning: Mercury, Mars and Saturn Evening: Venus and Jupiter Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19) With both Mercury and Uranus now moving direct in f
For folks living in mountain towns, essential winter gear puts function before style (but in the best case scenarios incorporates both) and isn’t limited to apparel, but is compr