30 Dec ALACAZEM 2011.12.29
Dec. 29, 2011 to Jan. 5, 2012
Visible Planets: Morning: Mars and Saturn Evening: Venus and Jupiter
As we cross the illusionary bridge of time that takes us from the known lands of 2011 to the future frontiers of 2012, we find ourselves in a topsy, turvy world of virtual, physical and spiritual realities; living our lives and crafting our dreams as best we can. Economic and social realms interface and evolve in a never-before-seen dance of global production and competition; we are truly leveling the field when it comes to creative effort and enterprise. Class warfare rages – as it has for eons – as individual and collective forces cooperate one day and collide the next.
The Aquarian Age – our current age of knowledge, technology and enlightenment – is providing us with more accessible knowledge and virtual experience than anyone could have ever imagined. Satellites and electromagnetic waves surround our Mother ship Earth, streaming rivers of data and providing us with communication links from Madagascar to Mississippi. We’re on the cutting edge of human evolution, of course. We have never been here before.
2012 promises to be a year of great awakening and metamorphic change. The ongoing cardinal square between revolutionary Uranus in primal Aries and transformative Pluto in ambitious Capricorn will continue to push, pull and provoke governments, economies and people toward new physical and material realities, forcing all to look within and work without. This is a powerful time of personal resurrection and restructure, a veritable genesis of body, soul and spirit.
Good luck, good fortune and may the Forces of Goodness and Grace be with you. Prospero Ano Nuevo 2012!
Aries (Mar. 20-Apr.19)
The Christmas new Moon in stable Capricorn set forth a solid foundation upon which to build your hopes and dreams. With courage, self-acceptance and inner calm, you are being gifted with a-once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get in synch with the radically shifting tides of personal transformational change. Stay awake, do the work and keep the faith.
Taurus (Apr. 20-May 20)
With all planets now moving forward, including jovial Jupiter in Taurus, you may find yourself happy, healthy and genuinely inspired about the future and upcoming year. And right you are, as things are truly good. Others see your beauty and grace, appreciate the value of your consistency and rely upon your strength and guidance. Just be you!
Gemini (May 21-June 21)
The Capricorn sun time is always one of rectification and regeneration for the Twins. Whether it’s putting your finances back in order, recovering from the holidays or simply finding the time for sweet silence and solitude, go ahead and indulge yourself. Intimate evenings with a lover or friend, deep sleep and quiet reflections are cures. Relax.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
While you may have felt and continue to feel the rock n’ roll of the ongoing cardinal cosmic square-dance, you are certainly up and at ‘em when it comes to dealing with change. New life at home and in the family proves invigorating and exciting. As personal, professional and social identities shape-shift, go with the flow. Simply be and do your best.
Leo (July 23-Aug.22)
As the first week of 2012 unfolds, you may feel the strong pull of romantic love upon your heart and soul. Seductive partners and enticing possibilities beckon as both personal and professional opportunities emerge. Enjoy the heat, stoke the fire; just don’t burn down the house. Take it easy, take it slow. One day at a time, the path becomes clear.
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sep.22)
Optimistic, spiritually generous Jupiter in your solar 9th house of faith and goodness has gifted you with a more positive, uplifted attitude in the year ahead. Keeping your heart in the present and maintaining a daily practice of self-betterment, self-acceptance, self-love and self-forgiveness – as you contribute your special gifts to the world – guarantees success.
Libra (Sep. 23-Oct. 22)
The ups and downs, curves and curve balls, clear skies and rainy days of life are all part of this ever-evolving magical mystery tour upon which you have chosen to ride. Remembering that you are here for good reason, and that, yes, you have a higher purpose and mission in life can either comfort or confuse you. Seed the universe with your dreams and relax.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 22)
2012 is upon us and the prophesized year of millennium fever has arrived. As a magician and shaman, you are well aware of the power of power. Whether it’s physical, material, sexual or spiritual, we are all buyers and brokers in the universal brotherhood of power. Center yourself and call in spirit as an ally. Then never leave your ally behind.
Sagittarius (Nov. 23-Dec. 20)
Mental Mercury in Sagittarius opens the year with good humor and a happy heart. Friends are a big part of your life these days, and with great reason. They give you the emotional support and realistic feedback you need to negotiate the wild and wonderful road ahead. Self-improvement and better health routines are themes in 2012. Consider the alternatives.
Capricorn (Dec. 21-Jan. 19)
Major themes of transformation and rebirth continue for Capricorns in 2012 as the ongoing, recurring cardinal cross advocates and actually demands that you change radically, right down to the DNA. Sound revolutionary? It is. Join the movement, carry the flag, get in synch with the universe. The time is now. Revitalize, regenerate and revive.
Aquarius (Jan. 19-Feb. 18)
As voluptuous Venus moves through Aquarius, you may discover the world at your feet. Professional, social, financial and romantic options abound. A ride around the block or a romp in the hay may entice you, but in truth, you are looking for more meaning and depth. Superficial relationships no longer excite you. Hang in there; patience is a virtue.
Pisces (Feb. 18-Mar. 20)
As personal values revamp and revitalize your present life direction and future goals, embrace the now. The seven-year Uranian awakening of which you’ve been a primal part continues to enlighten and align you with higher self being and doing. You are also more in tune with the collective mind and universal soul. Listen to intuition, follow your heart.
Cynthia is a third generation astrologer living in the high mountain desert of the American Southwest. Visit her website @ www.alacazem.com.
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