San Juan Mountains Weather Report. Tuesday December 20, 2011… 09:10
As the low pressure system traveled east into the plains last night (southeast Colorado/northern New Mexico) it created chaos especially for travelers with high winds and blizzard conditions. There was a foot or more of snow, many closed roads and a few highway deaths. Portions of the San Juans saw light snow flurries that amounted to almost nothing. As the low moves east today we’ll see clearing skies and colder temperatures.
Late Wednesday and Thursday the next system forming in the Pacific NW will produce widespread snow as it moves into the western mountains of Colorado. The two cutoff lows split, and then open with the southern branch dropping into the 4-corners migrating east over the Colorado/New Mexico border late Thursday. The potential for good snow in the San Juans does not look great. Expect snow to end late Thursday with clearing skies and strong nocturnal radiation cooling for possibly the coldest night so far this season.
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Posted at 16:43h, 20 DecemberJerry, Thanks for putting this up on TIO. I read your blog, was impressed, subscribed.