Kids With Axes: R&RA at Opera House Tonight
The Beats Tonight, December 13, 7PM at the Sheridan Opera House the Rock And Roll Academy will be performing its Fifth Annual Winter Rock Concert. This year’s show wil
The Beats Tonight, December 13, 7PM at the Sheridan Opera House the Rock And Roll Academy will be performing its Fifth Annual Winter Rock Concert. This year’s show wil
Those who know her, know that Susan is a prolific writer. That has not changed. Plus, she has help now. A few of you may have noticed you were missing your email notifications of n
Interview with Mark Galbo of Rock and Roll Academy
David Lingle Around the world no holiday is more closely associated with music than Christmas. Locally it would not be Christmas without the Telluride Choral Society’s an
Valerie Madonia talks about "The Nutcracker"
In the face of the undeniable fact that year after year, town after town around the world thrills to the spectacle of a twinkling Christmas tree on growth hormones and a flurry of
Add comedy to the list of unsolved mysteries right after the Big Bang and black holes. In the Woody Allen movie “Crimes and Misdemeanors,” one character describes what tickles
Rebekah Diaddigo,Sugar Plum Fairy Thanks to the gift of memory, we make Nat “King” Cole rituals of the holidays. Folks dressed up like Eskimos build frosty snowmen. As
The Telluride Choral Society's annual WinterSing concert series celebrates the Holiday Season with a eclectic program of Holiday music old and new. Join us for an evening of wa
On Sunday afternoon Susan and I were privileged to watch Valerie Madonia rehearsing some of the principals in the Telluride Dance Academy's upcoming production of "The Nut
Today she is a wife, mother and beloved director/mentor but growing up, Jen Nyman Julia was a theatre brat. Her parents ran Starflower Productions in her hometown of Winslow, Maine
In 1905, Maude Adams played Pan. Jean Arthur flew in the 1950s production. In the 1990s, former champion gymnast Cathy Rigby made Pan her signature role. But it was Mary Martin who
Before it was a play, “Peter Pan” was a small story in a book written by Scottish novelist James Matthew Barrie. Later Barrie himself turned “The Little White Bird” into a
Ten years ago, when a starry-eyed go-getter named Jen Nyman (now Julia) arrived in town to build a young people’s theatre program at the historic Sheridan Opera House, Telluride
Kicker: 2009 season features “The Sound of Music” and “Taming of the Shrew” When the New York Shakespeare Festival staged its adaptation of Shakespeare’s “The Taming of
Once upon a long time ago, her former husband, Bunzy Bunworth,tried to convince his brand new bride to leave the East coast and head West to a ski town in the mountains. Reading up
The news we get out of Africa is generally one-sided and not good. In America, “Africa” spells “t-r-o-u-b-l-e”: AIDS, malaria, genocide, impasse in Zimbabwe, fighting in th
To Fall Deeper in Love with the World Sit with lichen longer than comfort allows. The urge to move must rise and pass, rise and pass, must pass. One wai
by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer Spring:Come Closer Eager to play, spring bumbles inlike a dizzy beedazed by yellow exuberancewondering which tree, which stem,which blade of new grass
Valerie Madonia The notion of dance in Telluride was not new before Valerie Madonia arrived on the scene. In the 1970s, Jeri McAndrews, a New York transplant and mode
A little canoodling between two local nonprofits is not a bad thing – especially when considering the alternatives, such as more nail-biting over the kerfuffle on Wall Street. Th