
Well, it’s safe to say that we’ve hit a bit of a hiccup this winter season. While last year started off slow and picked up in January, this season started on a high note and has since then fizzled - or melted - away. Sure,...

It’s easy to fall into a slump in a ski town when it doesn’t snow. The buzz around town is gloomy, and all anyone can talk about is why the storms aren’t coming. Global warming? Arctic pressure? La Nina? But one great activity you can still...

My five-year old daughter is playing ice hockey, a sport with which, until recently, I had no experience. As a former teacher, ski and soccer coach, it’s weird watching my daughter do something I know very little about: I don’t have tips, I don’t know...

Emily Kuehn, our OSM/VISTA offers MLK Volunteer Day workshop and training in basic home energy efficiency in Norwood, Colorado. First, what’s an OSM/VISTA? That’s a Volunteer In Service To America through the Office of Surface Mining! Emily has been with us since last summer, working...

Although the last couple of inches definitely freshened up the slopes, that two-week holiday drought, in addition to the holiday crowds (as light as our snowpack has been, it was better than most resorts), definitely wreaked havoc on the slopes. Almost every run is either...

“It’s unbelievable how much you don’t know about the game you’ve been playing all your life.” Mickey Mantle Substitute sport for game in the above quote, and Mantle pretty much nailed my naivety about skate skiing. For the past fifteen or so years, I’ve always owned...

Jack Hoffman is an irascible piece of work. My 15-year-old daughter does a spot-on impersonation of his crotchety scold: “I know what I’m doing,” he screeches in a biting whine at his son Todd. This is from the “Gold Rush” reality show on The Discovery Channel. If...

Friday is a transition day of cooling temperatures and high clouds moving into the area. The first snowfall in a long while is due to arrive Saturday evening in the San Juan Mountains.  The ridge of high pressure that has been parked in our backyard...